
Common cicadas of Nebraska

Annual cicadas of Nebraska (NE):

All cicadas appear every year unless otherwise noted.

Beameria venosa (Uhler, 1888)

Cicadettana calliope calliope (Walker, 1850) aka Southern Grass Cicada

Southern Grass Cicada

Cicadettana kansa (Davis, 1919)

Diceroprocta vitripennis (Say, 1830) aka Green Winged Cicada

Green Winged Cicada

Megatibicen grossus (Fabricius, 1775) aka Northern Dusk Singing Cicada formerly Megatibicen auletes

Northern Dusk Singing Cicada

Megatibicen dealbatus (Davis, 1915) aka Plains Cicada

Plains Cicada

Megatibicen dorsatus (Say, 1825) aka Bush Cicada or Grand Western or Giant Grassland Cicada

Bush Cicada or Grand Western or Giant Grassland Cicada

Megatibicen pronotalis pronotalis Davis, 1938

Megatibicen pronotalis walkeri Metcalf, 1955 aka Walker’s Cicada

Walker's Cicada

Megatibicen resh (Haldeman, 1852) aka Resh Cicada

Resh Cicada

Megatibicen tremulus Cole, 2008 aka Bush Cicada

Neotibicen auriferus (Say, 1825) aka Plains Dog-day Cicada

Neotibicen canicularis (Harris, 1841) aka Dog-day Cicada

Dog-day Cicada

Neotibicen linnei (Smith and Grossbeck, 1907) aka Linne’s Cicada

Linne's Cicada

Neotibicen lyricen lyricen (De Geer, 1773) aka Lyric Cicada

Lyric Cicada

Neotibicen pruinosus pruinosus (Say, 1825) aka Scissor(s) Grinder

Scissor(s) Grinder

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen (Linnaeus, 1758) aka Swamp Cicada, Morning Cicada

Swamp Cicada, Morning Cicada

Okanagana balli Davis, 1919

Okanagana hesperia (Uhler, 1872)

Okanagana striatipes (Haldeman, 1852)

Okanagana synodica synodica (Say, 1825) aka Walking Cicada

Platypedia putnami putnami (Uhler, 1877) aka Putnam’s Cicada

Periodical cicadas of Nebraska (NE):

Magicicada cassinii (Fisher, 1852) aka Cassini Periodical Cicada or 17-Year Cicada

These cicadas will next emerge in 2032 (Brood IV). They often emerge 1 or 4 years earlier than expected.

Cassini Periodical Cicada or 17-Year Cicada

Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus, 1758) aka Decim Periodical Cicada or Linnaeus’s 17-Year Cicada or 17-Year Cicada

These cicadas will next emerge in 2032 (Brood IV). They often emerge 1 or 4 years earlier than expected.

Decim Periodical Cicada or Linnaeus's 17-Year Cicada or 17-Year Cicada

Related Articles

  1. Brood IV, the Kansan brood, will emerge in 2015

Name and Location References:

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names & locations:;; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; my personal memory.
  3. Locations: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips.
  4. List of species with MAPs: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico [PDF] by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips. Download it once; treasure it forever.

One reply on “Common cicadas of Nebraska”

Strange that there is so many, I have seen one, heard four, and still there are all these species! Maybe I just haven’t explored most of the state, Lancaster county is where all were heard.

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