
Common cicadas of Oregon

Common cicadas of Oregon (OR):

Neoplatypedia ampliata (Van Duzee, 1915)

Neoplatypedia constricta Davis, 1920

Okanagana bella Davis, 1919 aka Mountain Cicada

Mountain Cicada

Okanagana canadensis (Provancher, 1889) aka Canadian Cicada

Canadian Cicada

Okanagana cruentifera (Uhler, 1892)

Okanagana ferrugomaculata Davis, 1936

Okanagana fratercula Davis, 1915

Okanagana gibbera Davis, 1927

Okanagana lurida Davis, 1919

Okanagana luteobasalis Davis, 1935

Okanagana magnifica Davis, 1919

Okanagana mariposa mariposa Davis, 1915

Okanagana mariposa oregonensis Davis, 1939

Okanagana occidentalis (Walker in Lord, 1866)

Okanagana oregona Davis, 1916

Okanagana ornata Van Duzee, 1915

Okanagana pallidula Davis, 1917

Okanagana rimosa rimosa (Say, 1830) aka Say’s Cicada

Say's Cicada

Okanagana rubrovenosa Davis, 1915

Okanagana simulata Davis, 1921

Okanagana striatipes (Haldeman, 1852)

Okanagana synodica synodica (Say, 1825) aka Walking Cicada

Okanagana tristis tristis Van Duzee, 1915

Okanagana utahensis Davis, 1919

Okanagana vanduzeei Distant, 1914

Okanagana vandykei Van Duzee, 1915

Platypedia areolata (Uhler, 1861)

Platypedia falcata Davis, 1920

Platypedia minor Uhler, 1888

Platypedia putnami lutea Davis, 1920 aka Putnam’s Cicada

Platypedia putnami putnami (Uhler, 1877) aka Putnam’s Cicada

Platypedia similis Davis, 1920

Name and Location References:

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names & locations:;; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; my personal memory.
  3. Locations: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips.
  4. List of species with MAPs: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico [PDF] by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips. Download it once; treasure it forever.

5 replies on “Common cicadas of Oregon”

I understand that the Okanagana oregona will be hatching this year in the state of Oregon…could you please tell me what they eat on, anything that they might destroy, do they bite and or are they a danger to any animals? Or, anything else I might need to know.

I believe I found an Okanagana bella Davis yesterday. I’ve a great picture! My email is hard to access but I can say they’re not harmful and I doubt they hurt anything. They’re fed upon by birds or anything else that eats insects. They eat sap from young woody plants. They’re wonderful and they don’t bite. Shy creatures, really. I found mine in a bit if water in a bucket and feared it had drowned. It was ok and I set it on bare wood to dry it faster. So took good pics and it flew off. Again, my signal is bad fot email but I’ll include it anyway. I’d leave my phone number but can’t in here! I love nature and insects and arachnids are fascinating! Thanks for having interest and appreciation of this world!

My understanding is that adult cicadas do ~not~ feed. At least that was true of the brood x cicadas when I lived on the east coast

They live off their fat above ground. They do continue to drink while above ground — which is the same mechanism they use to “eat” below ground. The question is “does the bacteria in their gut process the nutrients in the sap they drink when above ground into nourishment” — probably not. They only need to live a few weeks, so no need to eat.

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