Annual cicadas of Wisconsin (WI):
All cicadas appear every year, unless otherwise noted.
Megatibicen grossus (Fabricius, 1775) aka Northern Dusk Singing Cicada formerly Megatibicen auletes

Megatibicen pronotalis walkeri Metcalf, 1955 aka Walker’s Cicada

Neotibicen pruinosus pruinosus (Say, 1825) aka Scissor(s) Grinder

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen (Linnaeus, 1758) aka Swamp Cicada, Morning Cicada

Okanagana balli Davis, 1919
Periodical cicadas of Wisconsin (WI):
Magicicada cassinii (Fisher, 1852) aka Cassini Periodical Cicada or 17-Year Cicada
These cicadas will next emerge in 2024 (Brood XIII). They often emerge 1 or 4 years earlier than expected.

Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus, 1758) aka Decim Periodical Cicada or Linnaeus’s 17-Year Cicada or 17-Year Cicada
These cicadas will next emerge in 2024 (Brood XIII). They often emerge 1 or 4 years earlier than expected.

Name and Location References:
- Full Binomial Names:
- Common names & locations:;; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; my personal memory.
- Locations: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips.
- List of species with MAPs: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico [PDF] by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips. Download it once; treasure it forever.
5 replies on “Common cicadas of Wisconsin”
Will the periodical cicadas expand their range?
Highly doubtful. Their range is shrinking with each emergence.
We have one on our screen window, the linne’s cicada, Hammond, Wi. on August 27/2020.
We have cicadas in Green Bay,WI. This is the second night in a row now they have making a racket outside .
I just found a empty cicada shell in my yard!