
It’s an Apache, not a Magicicada… or mabe an semicinta

Update: Gerry from Massachusetts Cicadas site said that this is a Diceroprocta semicinta, not an apache.

Kathy Hill had this to say

It could be apache or it might be semicincta, depending on where he got it from. But from the pics/specimens we have I think it does look more like apache. We’ve never noticed one with red eyes either but then Dave and I have only collected apache and semicincta once in 2003, so we haven’t seen very many. I don’t know of any other Diceroproctas that it could be. Apache/semicincta are very common in parts of Arizona. I think they are parapatric.

Bill Sheridan has contributed this excellent photo of an Apache cicada, often confused with Magicicadas because of the red eyes and black body.


4 replies on “It’s an Apache, not a Magicicada… or mabe an semicinta”

I don’t care how beautiful some people think these insects are as I find them very
scarey. HA! I don’t like bugs at all and I especially don’t like finding them on
my kitchen floor. We have a cat who likes to bring them in the house every night
during the summer. One of my niece’s said that cats like to bring you something as
a thank you for feeding them. This cat has brought us live chipmunks, (spelling)
bird’s and other creature’s. Wish we didn’t have that cat door! The four legged
creature’s have to be chased through the whole first floor before we can finally get
them out through the other back door. I have totally gotten of the cicada subject but
wanted to give the story on how they get in my house along with other creature’s.
He brings them in alive or dead and they make this terrible sound when he has them in
his mouth as he is meowing at the same time. Pretty disgusting to me. LOL

Hola!soy yo otra vez jeje.

Decir que esa chicharra es preciosa sin duda,con esos colores y los ojos rojos parecidos al Magicicada pero se trata de un apache como e leído en ese comentario,una cosilla por que se le llama a este tipo de chicharras apache?,es que soy nuevo en el tema de diferenciar las chicharras por su especie pero ya las conozco desde hace años incluso tengo ahora mismo una chicharra que e rescatado de las garras de un gorrión en mi avitación que esta lastimada porque le faltan dos patas y es una pena porque también me e fijado en su ala que la tiene rota precisamente por donde le nace.sabéis si la puedo ayudar dándole algo para que se cure o ya no tiene solución? muchísimas gracias compañeros.


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