Brood XIII Magicicada

Brood XIII Update: 5/22/2007 — locations, photos, video and music

Location update:

Illinois: Westmont, Elmhurst, East Peoria, Metamora, Clarendon Hills, Western Springs, Villa Park, Hinsdale, Orland Park…

Indiana: Crown Point…


“Cicada Love”!


James Engel of morning show on q101 in Chicago has recorded a song about the emergence called “Hey There Cicada”. Tune into q101 to hear it.

10 replies on “Brood XIII Update: 5/22/2007 — locations, photos, video and music”

I remember in 2005(I think), cicada’s emerged in KY when we were living there and it was all over the news that they appear every 17 years… two years later, I’m hearing about the cicadas in IL. Can someone explain to this novice?

I live in an area that is sterile of cicadas. I would have never
known they were out now if I hadn’t kept up with the news on them.
But I live near the forest preserve and I went there to look
for them. At first I didn’t see any there and couldn’t find them,
it made me wonder if they have come out yet. After looking around,
to my surprise I found that bunches of them will be sitting on
the long uncut grass and in the sunlight of the morning hours.
You can’t see them in the trees and they don’t go in the short cut
grass of the open fields, so that might throw you off. You will find
them in the high uncut grass.

Tom-if you are in Arlington Heights and are really desperate
to see some, just head east on Euclid to Milwaukee Ave…all
the forest preserves there have cicadas…mostly in the trees
along the parking lot (which are warmer due to more sun
exposure). I know I got sick of waiting at home, so that’s
how I found some!!

I live in Brookfield. I just took the garbage out around midnight and was walking back and happened to look down on the ground. Staring up at me were a bunch of (at least 5) cicadas, illuminated by the moonlight…their red eyes aglow. Despite the fact that I knew they were coming, it still surprised me. I forgot how big they are. I then looked around further and found them strewn about the ground all over the place. It might eventually become difficult to walk down my driveway without crunching any. Fear not all you cicada fans, I promise to step lightly. 🙂

I live in Woodrige and over the weekend, my son and daughter were playing in the sandbox and dug up four cicadas. The next day I found a couple of their holes underneath my apple tree.

Flossmoor is starting to flow with the little fellas (and ladies). Interesting, starting late Sunday we saw the first emerge,
then more on Monday and even more on Tuesday. Up through Tuesday all were black-bodied (red-eyed). However, this morning walking to work I
see large number of white versions with black spots behind their eyes. I assume these are from a different brood and look like
the Ohio brood version.
So far very little sound – two random times, each sounding like an individual.

In Wheeling, we’ve only found 2 holes around our trees at home so far, and no shells (I assume the rather
hungry squirrels we have around here found them!). Today my 7yr old and I (who was off sick from
school) went to the Potowatmi Forest preserve down the street, did see many holes near trees along
the parking lot, but it seems the cooler temps inside the forest itself is keeping the large
emergence at bay. We saw a few “shells” on trees and in the grass. We then went down the street
aprox a mile or so to a different area (mount prospect)….where there were hundreds and hundreds of shells all over!!
looks like some of the little guys where so excited to molt they clug to a piece of grass directly
above their chimney!! Even in the dense woods, there where chimneys all over, and molted shells on the trees.
Sadly, we did find 2 that had died in their shells, and the only adult cicadas we saw were in the process
of being carried off by ants.
It’s funny how literally 5 minutes away the emergence has begun, but at our house the little guys are still
taking their time. It was nice to see my 7year old daughter brave enough to pick up a shell and inspect it, and say
“you know, it’s gross…but it’s really cool too!”

A girl in my office brought a bug box with 5 cicadas that were in her backyarde today. She lives in Villa Park. We just set them free in the trees all next to each other in hopes of ‘strength in numbers’… I finally got to hold one and it really was incredible. I can’t wait for the rest to show up!

I talked to the naturalist at Fullersburg Woods in Oak Park, Illinois today and he said that last night about 100 emerged from a 10′ x 5′ area. He also said that other areas in the preserve that are in direct sun have had a few emerge. Both septendecim and cassini have been spotted. They are expecting high numbers any day now. The cassini have already begun to sing.

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