Australia Ferdinand Karsch Lembeja Parnisini

Lembeja paradoxa (Karsch, 1890)

Lembeja paradoxa is a cicada found in Australia. It is also known as the Bagpipe Cicada, because it looks like the musical instrument called bagpipes.

Photo by Timothy Emery from Thursday Island, Torres Strait off Cape York, Queensland:
Lembeja paradoxa (Karsch, 1890)

Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadettinae
Tribe: Prasiini
SubTribe: Prasiina
Genus: Lembeja
Species: Lembeja paradoxa (Karsch, 1890)

For more information about this cicada, visit A web guide to the cicadas of Australia by L. W. Popple.