Brood V Brood VIII Magicicada Matt Berger Periodical Periodical Stragglers

Look and listen for Magicicada stragglers in 2015

Another straggler sighting, this time in Cleveland which should make it a Brood V one year straggler:

Matt Berger Brood V Stragger 2
A Brood V straggler found by Matt Berger in West Virginia. See more photos of this cicada.

The emergence of Brood XXIII is well underway in the states along the Mississippi, and Brood IV should kick off in the west as soon as it stops raining every day. These aren’t the only Magicicada periodical cicadas emerging in the U.S. this year — some stragglers will emerge as well.

A straggler is a periodical cicada that emerges before or after the rest of its brood. Typically a straggler belonging to a 17 year brood will emerge 4 years early, but they might also emerge a year early, or a year late, or even 4 years late. This probability chart, details the probability of a straggler emergence.

In 2015 you might find the following stragglers:

Tyla MacAllister found a Brood XIX Magicicada straggler (emerged 4 years late) in Alabama!

4 replies on “Look and listen for Magicicada stragglers in 2015”

Two sightings in my yard last week (end of june) in Northwest Florida. The most recent was found right by it’s shell and seemed a bit disoriented, I think I just missed it’s coming out.

One cicada on window screen tonight aprox 10:30 pm in Williamston SC. Temps high 90’s today.

Cicada here in Polkton NC 28135. Don’t know what kind but loving that wonderful sound.

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