Eye Color Magicicada Video

Look out for Magicicadas with white eyes

Most of the periodical cicadas you’ll see have red or reddish-orange eyes. A very small number, however, have white, blue, or yellow eyes. Some even have amazing multi-colored eyes. Have you seen any white eyed periodical cicadas yet? Be on the lookout for them, and make sure you take a photo or video when you see one. Have a contest with your friends and family to see who can find the first white or blue-eyed cicada. If you have a TV station, radio show or a local website, you could have a contest for who can find the first white eyed cicada. I personally have only found one white eyed cicada (video below), so I have to guess that the odds are at least one in 10,000.

Here’s a photo of a white eyed Magicicada cicada Roy Troutman found back in 2004:

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.

Roy took a photo of a blue-eyed cicada, and I made a t-shirt from the image (I use the mug version for my morning coffee).

This is a video of white eyed cicada I recorded back in 2007:

White eyed Magicicada by Dan from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

All photos of periodical cicadas with different color eyes.

19 replies on “Look out for Magicicadas with white eyes”

My son found a white-eyed cicada in the northern Chicago suburbs!!! It was the first one like it that any of us have seen.

I just saw a white eyed cicada today going to work in Cincinnati Ohio ! I was like wowwwww is that a white eyed cicada????

Found a white eyed one in Columbia Maryland in my yard on 6/2/21! I thought it was blind, and I was happy to find your blog 🙂

Posted a comment earlier about finding a pale blue eyed cicada in my yard on 5/31/21 and I think I forgot to add the location – Columbia MD.

I found one on 5/31/21 in my yard! I googled it, wondering if it was blind, and found your blog!

I am in Maryland and I found a white eyed cicada in my yard. His abdominal area was not white- no fungus.

I just saw my first white-eyed cicada tonight and even got a few good pictures! I’m in Nashville, TN and have been enjoying the emergence of Brood XIX the past few days. I would love to submit the photos to you if you want them, but it will have to wait until tomorrow, as I am typing this from my iPhone currently and about to go to bed. I also snapped lots of photos of standard red-eyed cicadas in various stages of shedding their skin.

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