Brood IV

Magicicada in Kansas

Paul Stubbs wrote us to let us know that periodical cicada stragglers are emerging early in Kansas. Based on the locations and date (1998), it sounds like these are Brood IV emerging 5 years early. Very interesting.

Hi, just wanted to inform you that periodicals are emerging in northeastern Kansas as well. I live in Osawatomie, KS and have heard a few here. I have heard and seen them in Paola, KS at my parents home. Our last big event was in ’98 so these many stragglers are fairly impressive.
We are located approximately 30 miles south of Kansas City. And BTW, thanks for a great website for cicada fans!!

Paul Stubbs

brood iv

2 replies on “Magicicada in Kansas”

Just heard the first common dog day annual cicadas here today in my trees 205 West 9th street Pittsburg Kansas but have not heard any periodicals yet… I would be willing to bet they are being heard around the area of Bone Creek Reservoir and the surrounding riparian woodlands close to the creeks and waterways. Several years ago they were thick and extremely loud there while I was land surveying with my Dad.

I had dinner in Paola tonight while passing through from Hutchinson to Overland Park. I took a walk in the town square park and heard nothing. I can come back through on Sunday or Monday on hwy 169 if prospects are still good. Would you be able to name an intersection or area of town for Paola and/or Osawatomie in which you heard them? What time of day is/was it? I’d love to get video or pics and submit them here.

I’ll be in KC, Independence and Blue Springs this weekend, checking trees as opportunities arise. I looked in Columbia, MO, two weeks ago for brood XIX stragglers but found only a few exuvia and exit holes.

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