Brood X Old Message Board

May 11th – 14th 2004 Cicada Comments

Mud tubes in Hershey

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Noticed a couple of mub tubes and exit holes under our large wild cherry tree yesterday morning. Nothing outside yet. Rhett, Hershey, PA

There are here in force

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw the first one 2 days ago. Came home to find 3 more yesterday afternoon. Woke up this orning to find over 200 on my front porch! I am home now and they have begin singing here in Catonsville. John, Catonsville, MD

Noise is on the way

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Well the cicadas are definitely afoot. I saw a few of the lumbering larva last night crawling up one side of my house. Tonight is a totally different story, not few but many, possibly hundreds are crawling up a nearby tree with the sole intent of exiting there collective carcasses. Interesting creatures to be sure if you find them you can actually hear them crawling on the lawn, climbing trees, trying to grasp at leaves. After viewing them in all there glory I decided to hop in the car and run to the store. As I exit the driveway I feel something crawling up my leg. Yep you guessed it, one of them 17 year critters, yuck. I suspect I’ll be having cicada nightmares soon. Brandon, Rockville, Md

The emergence has started in Cincinnati

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The widespread Cincinnati emergence started on May 12 with 40% of our study sites showing cicada activity. We have now received reports from Northern Kentucky, central Cincinnati, and the western suburbs. Gene Kritsky, Cincinnati, OH

Sighting in Gaithersburg MD

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw postings of others nearby and was feeling forgotten even though our yard is full of the definitive “dime-sized” holes.
Was not disappointed this morning – saw about 50-60 skins and a couple of dozen of live cicadas. Worked from home and was able to watch the molt, the climb, the nap, and the flight to adventure. Probably would have sighted quite few more except for the birds happily enjoying cicada buffet for lunch! Pat, Gaithersburg, MD

only crawling larvae so far…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Well, for some reason I really haven’t found any on my property, but last night I counted about fifteen larvae crawling on the sidewalk out front of my neighbors house. Tonight I counted sixteen, along with a couple of shells Gosh this is exciting. I’m only twenty five so I don’t really remember the last one. I hope they hurry along because nothing sounds more like summer than the music of cicadas! Joshua, Northeast Baltimore, Maryland

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw about ten cicadas crawling around on one block in Woodley Park. Can’t wait till they start getting loud. Taylor, Washington DC

First Sighting in Chevy Chase, MD

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I first saw them (yeah!!) yesterday morning sitting on daffodil leaves when I went out to get the paper. More this AM. Grabbed my digital camera both times and got great close-ups since the cicadas were drying their wings and couldn’t fly yet. They are a marvel!!!! Ann, Chevy Chase, Maryland

FOUND: Cicada shell…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
My daughter brought me what she considered an interesting insect shell 2 days ago (May 11th), and I finally checked it out…Sure enough, it’s a cicada shell…I haven’t heard too much ruckus, so don’t know if it was a solitary cicada, or if there’s more and we just haven’t found more shells…I’ll be mowing the grass tomorrow, so we’ll see then…If not, at least we know that they’ve arrived in Odenton… Vivian P, Odenton, Maryland USA

There here-tough on motorcyclists

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Had my first one smash right into my face (faceshield on my helmet was raised) at about 35 mph in Owen County, Indiana. Man was it painful. It will be a tough month for motorcyclists in Indiana.
Brendan Kearns, Clay City, IN

They’re back!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Finally, after a long awaited arrival, I caught my first one this round tonight. They are cte in there own sort of bug eyed way, only saw one live one, saw many shells however. Can’t wait until they’re making my ears ring…oh, and I’ve heard some people say they are finding “albinos”. While there may be albinos out there, they all start out white, with red eyes (look like an albino, right?!), but however they are just newly emerged. Just wanted to clear up any confusion. Enjoy them while they’re here! Jeff, Parkville, MD

Just starting to see them

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Walked my dog this evening thinking maybe there just aren’t any cicadas around me, being in a newly developed neighborhood. Just then I heard something fall from a tree, walked over to it, and in the process stepped on a cicada and saw a few crawling up a tree, and saw the holes. I was only able to see about 5 of them, low in the trees and on the ground. So, they are likely the first buggers to come. gmoney, North Potomac, MD

Slowly but surely

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw a shell WAAAAAAAAAAY up in a tree this morning, 2 more on a signpost this afternoon…expecting to see tons tomorrow..we’ll see. Saw TONS in Silver Spring on my way to work though… WSOsGirl, Wilde Lake, Columbia, MD

O NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo!!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I cant believe people are actually eating these things. Is there like a shortage of spam at the local Giant or something. I havent seen a cicada yet, but I have been preparing myself for the mass hysteria they will cause. I remember when I was 8 and they first showed. It was crazy. They were everywhere. The worse was the shells they leave behind. O well they are one of god’s creatures. Sytero Illgalscus, Riverdale, MD

Cicadas are up in Bloomington, IN (but not in the countryside)

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The Cicadas are up today, May 13, inside the town (Bloomington, Indiana), but out in the countryside away from the heat sinks of pavement and buildings, they don’t seem to be up yet.

Kevin, Bloomington, Indiana

House alarm?

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
My mother, who lives in Ellijay, GA, called me today. She told me that she called the security office of the gated community where she lives to report a house alarm going off nearby. They called back a few minutes later, “I’m sorry ma’am, but the noise you are hearing is not an alarm going off, it is the cicada’s mating call.” Needless to say, my mother felt very foolish! Linda, Jonesborough, TN

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I hadn’t seen any until this morning but there are shells everywhere so they are here! Beth, Catonsville MD

Abnormal Mutations.

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I have noticed that a lot of the cicadas are mutated in some way. Some have no wings, some have small shriveled wings, some have one large & one small wing, some have two curly wings, etcetera. I have also noticed that some have underdeveloped bodies. For every normal cicada I have seen in my yard I have seen two or three that are abnormal. We are still getting hundreds of them as of today, 05/13/04.
Scott, Franconia, Virginia

One shell…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw my first cicada shell today on the tire of my car this morning. I imagine that is a good indication of what is to come!!! Karla, Fairfax

Cicadas are Awesome and Here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Cicadas are everywhere here in Timonium, every night hundreds more emerge – my cat is going crazy. I left NY and love this! Steve Saia, Timonium, Maryland

Sighting in Takoma Park

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Cicada sighting today, at my busstop, Wabash & Flower Ave. Yesterday there was nothing and this morning…there were shells galore! Ugh! yuck! There was one little cicada wabbling around in the grass as well.

Jennifer, Takoma Park, MD

Any Carroll County (MD) sightings?

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
We are still looking for them – someone told me in Carroll County, MD they really aren’t that prevalent. Has anyone seen them in Carroll County yet? I am in the southwestern corner near Frederick and Montgomery Co. Laura, Mount Airy, MD

Here They Are

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
First saw several yesterday morning on the trunk of a tree in my front yard. Saw even more this morning as well as some making their way through the grass. I live on 1/2 acre very wooded lot backing to acres of treed parkland. Tons of cicada holes all over the back yard. Should get very exciting in the next few days! Tom McCafferty, Falls Church, VA

Go to the National Cathedral, see tons of them

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Was around the neighborhood of the National Cathedral last night, and they are EVERYWHERE. The concentration of them was huge walking up the sidewalks of Wisconsin Ave, and they are in all stages of emergence. Crazy. Eric, Washington, DC

All over the place but no noise yet

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Well they’re all over the clothing left outside overnight and the benches and coming up through the gardens. No noise is coming from them yet. Jennifer, College Park, MD

First One

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I heard one for the first time today. It actually woke me up from my nap. It ha been “singing” all day. I will be going out to look for him later. Wolfie, Olmsted Falls Ohio

Any other brides?

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
So I’m getting hitched June 5th IN THE PARK outside of Philly. I’m just worried that we won’t have enough seats for these uninvited guests. Any other brides share my concern? Rachel, Philadelphia

Just starting here

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I *think* I saw a cicada flying past my kitchen window in the backyard within the last hour. I haven’t seen any up close yet, though a neighbor said that they did out on New Hampshire Avenue. Melissa, Cloverly,Montgomery County, MD

emergence dates

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
First observed emergence on May 5. Night of May 11 was heavy activity, but night of May 12 was even heavier! As many as 50 on one Iris plant. Daniel, Bethesda, MD

Bugged Out!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The cicadas have emerged in the Kensington area this past Monday. I hated them in 1987 and nothing has changed since! Hopefully, I can survive this emergence without going insane! AMSL, Kensington, MD


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They were out in full force this AM. We had seen the shells but nothing else. This morning the grass was moving as they made their way to the maple tree in our front yard. Very creepy…There were hundreds all trying to get a date. Gretchen, Fairfax, VA

Night vigil with my daughter – they’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Yesterday we saw a couple casts in the yard and one half-eaten adult. So last night at 10:00 pm I took my fellow-bug-loving 3-yr-old daughter and my always-looking-for-adventure foreign exchange student out with a flashlight and the digital camera and caught hundreds of the bugs in the act of molting on a tree in the front yard. It was fascinating. They’d crawl on our feet if we stood still too long (no Flip-flops from now on!). It was like watching a birth every time a new molting ocurred. I let my 3-yr-old take a newly-molted adult with fully unfurled wings, inside in a plastic container, so she could see how he (she?) would have changed from white to black by morning. I hope she remembers this forever! Viki Johnson, Temple Hills, MD

Interesting timing noted.

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
We live in a hollow, that is slightly cooler and a bit behind on most climatological events, so the Cicadas just began in earnest last night. Interesting that they only seemed to come out of the ground for the first hour or so of darkness. I’m guessing this is another insanely instinctual part of this strange bug; that gives them the most time until daylight to climb and molt while the predators (birds and squirrels) are all asleep.
We live on five acres of old trees, so I think we’re in for quite a show! Armand Sadlier, Howard County, MD

One Cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
I saw one live adult this morning while walking to work in Falls Church VA. I saw a lot of remnants in the Metro parking lot. Strange–where are all the live ones? M, Falls Church

Now I’m Sure

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Previously, I may have mistaken a brown slug emerging for a Cicada. The photo gallery on this site convinces me I may have had initial confusion. However, I later did see a red-eyed Cicada on a tree in the evening, and an empty shell in the morning, so they’re here … Peter, Sterling, VA

Cicadas in the bluegrass

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Found one exoskeleton Wednesday morning on my porch, and a live one — beady red eyes and all — on a wooden gate. Also a few sitings in Southern Indiana… Alex Davis, Louisville, KY

“white” cidadas

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Thousands in very isolated pockets only, around N. Grubb Rd. in Chevy Chase.

This morning I found what I thought were albinos, then realized they were slowly drying their wings and becoming adults.

One’s in a bug cage on my desk right now-I’m watching his tiny crumpled wings unfold, and his abdomen darken. They are very sweet bugs, and crawl placidly on your arms and fingers, a delight to examine closely. Amazing, the red eyes.

This is truly a beautiful and awesome event and I’m enjoying every minute of it! Going out to look tonight and see it begin… MerryB, Chevy Chase,MD

WOW WOW WOW WOW and WOW to infinity

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Today was a HUGE day — early morning while it is still cool and dewey is definitely a great time to see them in action, molting out of their sheds. Their are THOUSANDS in our yard — some have really climbed quite a ways to get up and out on ends of branches; others were bogged down by the pachysandra and are only a few inches up. We saw many in various stages of emerging — a real treat since one was at eye level for the girls to see up close. Obviously many had emerged overnight, as there were hundreds that were already dark and sunning themselves. We rescued a few that were in the middle of the yard and placed them in areas where they wouldn’t be as exposed to feet or predators.

Truly an amazing event to witness… more to come! LST, Annandale, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Every since the first sighting a few days ago in College Park, I think that everything flying around is a cicada. I am terrified of large bugs. Really, I wish that this entire cicada thing goes away PRONTO!!!!! By the way I think I hear the ugly buggers now. Charmaine S., Riverdale, Md

None here yet!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
After reading all the messages on this board yesterday. I went out and check my yard last evening. I saw some holes in the ground, not sure if they are ant colonies, or cicadas readying to emerge. Beverly G, Springfield Towship, PA

They have emerged in West Springfield Va

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They are coming out overklok, west springfield

Ellicott City Maryland Cicadas

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I’ve been watching the board with great interest- but hadn’t seen any signs of cicadas in Ellicott City, Maryland. But finally this morning I saw dozens of shells in the Howard County Court House parking lot- and even one little guy who was trying to make his way to some place verticle- but having a tough time of it. Glas to see it’s not all hype. Ian , Ellicott City

Nasty Creatures!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
First started seeing them on Monday. I’ve been doing the Cicada Two Step every morning when I leave for work. Apparently, they like the front porch of my apartment building! Ugh! Nasty creatures! There were twice as many this morning as yesterday.

I have tickets for the Capital Jazz Fest [AT] Merriweather in Columbia, MD on 6/5 and 6/6. This emergence should make my concert going experience…rather interesting. MB, Arlington, VA

They’re baaaaaaaaaack!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw my first batch of Brood X yesterday; fascinating! I was turned off by the fact that so many were being eaten by birds; now, how fair is that? I mean, you’re underground for 17 years, and the minute you come out, you’re a snack for a bird! Boo!

Welcome back, cicadas! Sue, Riverdale, MD

Cicada Sighting

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They are definitely in the Hamilton area. I have a tree that sits in my front yard. This morning as I was leaving for work, I saw about ten in the tree and about 20 or so in the street. They are really starting to emerge. I saw a lot of holes in the ground. The last time they were here, I was 4. I remember very vaguely, so I am very excited about them coming. Enjoy! L. Lynch, Baltimore, MD

Thery’re Mobilizing

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The cicadas have now awakened and no longer slowly moving about. They are flying, dropping from trees. I need an umbrella to go from my walk way to the front door without getting landed on. I’m glad this is only a major event every 17 years! ED, Bethesda


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
While walking to work this morning, I saw several dead (smooshed) cicadas on the sidewalk and one alive cicada walking along the sidewalk; it had to have been at least an inch and a half long. Seeing it totally wigged me out. I think that these things are going to be out and flying about real soon. I’m going to have to dig out my old baseball cap to wear so that the darn things don’t get caught in my hair. EWWWWW
Let’s just get this over with already!! Mary, Rockville, Maryland

Cicada sighting

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
My Grammy and me just saw our first cicadas on our front porch. Grammy told me all about them and said they go through many changes. We even think we could hear a little bit singing way back in the woods. It might be too early, Grammy has heard them before and said she thinks that is them. Anyway, from Clarksville, Maryland…There Here! Olivia Schwab, Clarksville, Maryland

convoy—popping sounds

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
When we returned home after dark last night my kids said ‘hey look, its a convoy’. Curious, I looked down at the sidewalk and sure enough there were at least 100 cicadas creeping alond in formation from the tree lawn to the fence. It surely is amazing to witness the inate determination of these creatures!…
Last night was warm again so we left the windows open as we slept. I was awaken early this morning when a car drove down our street. Pop, pop, pop was the sound of the poor cicadas being crushed by the moving vehicle…
ldb, McLean, VA

Ready or not…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw my first cluster of cicadas (cicadae???) & abandoned skins in front of my house this morning as I headed out to work. There were maybe 10 or 12, all still white, and a couple were still in the process of emerging from the skins. I was beginning to wonder if we were going to see any in Springfield, but I guess the time has come! My colleagues who live in Burke also began seeing the cicadas in their yards in the past couple of days. Michael, Springfield, VA

Remove Bugs – I’ll pay you

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They are all over the place in front of my apartment complex in Bethesda (cheltenham / tilbury / chase). I’d pay someone to sweep them off my sidewalk and stoop every morning before I leave for work!

Herbert, Bethesda, MD


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I finally got to see a bunch last night. They are amazing- I swear I could hear them moving in the grass as well as see them emerging. I watched one “hatch” from it’s shell and watched his wings come about. VERY COOL!! Wile so many folks are disgusted by them, I am absolutely fascinated by them and can’t wait for the rest to arrive!
Does anyone know if they come out more at night? There were too many to count last night and then this morning just a handful of shells remaining. Jenn, Alexandria, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
BAM! They are here! Hundreds of Brood X graduates showed up on the morning of May 12 in the back yard with dozens climbing up the back of our house. One oak tree in particular is bearing the attack of the cicadas so far. Larry, Burke, Virginia

Brood X Emergence May 13

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Last night was the third night of emergence and by far the heaviest. When I got up this morning the large trees in my front yard were covered with empty nymph shells and so was much of the ground around them. There were still large numbers of nymphs edging their way through the grass and many adults in the process of quickening or sitting on the ground waiting to get up enough gumption to fly off. I also began to see some in the air although still not many. My 9-year-old son picked up a couple of adults and let them crawl up his arms. Our six-year-old son, however, is suffering from a bout of the “yucks.” My suspicion is that tonight will be even bigger. We shall see. jmgradon, McLean, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Adrian Portland says: “He seen a cicada in a hole being attacked by ants” He also said ” That is common” so being the nice person he is he dug it up; got it out of the hole and made a new hole and put him in there till it was ready to leave it. Marc Yourfavoritstudent, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, USA

Cicadas are neat!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I’ve been waiting and waiting for my first sighting this year – and was rewarded this morning. Our old elm tree was covered with numerous cicadas in various stages of emergence! Watching them develop from an embryo-like critter into a fully mature cicada in a matter of hours is truly amazing! Evidently, the birds think so too, as I was joined by a male cardinal who came within about three feet of me before he decided I might eat him before he could eat the cicadas! (LOL). Since we have lost several of our old trees in the last couple of years, and there’s been a lot of development in the area and increasing use of pesticides in no-till farming,I was concerned our cicada crop might not be as healthy as it was the last two cycles (we’ve been at the same house since 1963). This morning’s emergence is reassuring!
Frances Smith, Sparks, MD

cicada sightings

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I have a bunch munching on my azaleas, must be more than 20. My cats have sniffed at them, but not taken a bite yet! I have spotted one that is white with black eyes, the rest are the regular red eyed type. M Merriman, Springfield Va 22153

Don’t hurt them, they won’t hurt you 🙂

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I know many people get the jeebies about large bugs, as I am one of them, lol, but these are amazing creatures….They have lives 17 years underground waiting to emerge for a few weeks, mate & die. I bought my 3 yr old daughter one of those bug boxes with the air vents & handle on top so she can see how interesting they are. So, don’t squash them, try to deal with them, it will be 17 years before we see them again, hard to believe my daughter will be 20!! Staci, Beltsville, MD

Wow. Really Cool!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
At first I was pretty anxious about this whole thing (being from NY and all), but I finally saw a bunch last night and they’re cool! An adult popped out from behind my car tire this morning…I think he’d been hiding from the birds (lots of squished/eaten nymphs around him). Now I’m excited…they’re kinda cute in a spooky way. Sue, Arlington, VA

Cicada Sighting

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
When I went out for a smoke this morning around 1000 I saw a cicada skin on a tree by the picnic table and the cicada on the table. I moved it off of the table at which time it left. Fred Oelrich, Andrews AFB, Clinton, MD

Does anyone know where the largest concentration in this area is???

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I was just wondering, where in the MD/DC/VA area where the largest concentrations of the cicadas will be?
I have seen about 12 shells & 2 cicadas, one which I caught for my daughter, the other became an ant victim, he landed on the concrete & the ants ate his legs off!! I guess ants enjoy them, too!! Staci, Beltsville, MD

Bonjour, cigales!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Eerie sounds from the trees, and piles of shells on the road, a few blocks east of downtown Silver Spring. Wow! Gaston, Silver Spring, MD

The Great Gathering Tree

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
This tree is located on a warm streetcorner in my Rockville neighborhood. Last night as I was walking by I heard an unearthly squirming, crawling, scrabbling sound. I came back with the flashlight to see what must have been at least a thousand cicadas on the base, trunk and branches of the tree. Interestingly, there were many trees nearby with few or none. The warmth of this spot seems to have attracted them.

When I returned this morning, there was a large pile of husks and a few bugs still struggling to emerge. There are also lots squished on the roads–again, I’m guessing because the warm surface is attractive to them. Julia, Rockville, MD

early risers – not the brightest creatures

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Last night I stepped outside around 11pm and witnessed the first few arrivals in the mulch beds in front of my house. We have a concrete porch with steps at the entrance, and for some reason this was their sought after destination. It was only three or four of them but I watched intently for about an hour to see what they would do. And what they did was proceed to make the arduous journey up the side of the porch, only to want to climb higher once they reached the foot of the door. So they walked along the edge of the porch (fairly swiftly) around and around trying to climb the various surfaces, all of which were too steep. Some would fall back off the porch and then try and climb it again. Now there is a nice tree in our front yard so I moved one over to it and he seemed content with the fact that he could get a foothold and started climbing up. I thought great, Ill get to see one molt! But he didnt stop climbing, and after about ten minutes he was 7 feet up on the tree. He promptly lost his footing and fell 7 feet into the grass below. Unharmed and frustrated with the tree he proceeded to start back for the porch! (Cicada skating rink). So I gave up and went to bed. Im sure Ill be sick of them soon enough Brian, North Potomac, Md

Die Cicadas Die

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
On my way to the garbage can I saw one dead on the sidewalk. One fell from a tree branch and down my neck into my shirt. I threw it to the ground and poured the rest of my Pepsi soda on it. Donald Pilner, Washington, DC

They are out!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Went for a walk this morning 5am, couldn’t help but crunch a few under my feet. Saw what looked to be hundreds on the street under a light. Looks like many will be squashed under the tires. I hope my dog doesn’t eat too many! Who knows maybe they will make her breath smell better! Curt, Aspen Hill, Rockville MD

Saw some today hanging

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw a bunch of cicadas (perhaps 10) hanging on a tree. I found a molted shell on the ground, and noted many emergence holes near the base. Probably many cicadas here. Ben, UMBC Campus, Catonsville, MD

Bunches in Bloomington

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I found a moderately sized emergence Wednesday night around 11:30 on the north side of the Indiana University campus (across the street from the parking lot “up-the-hill” from the Psych building). Several hundred in various stages of development. Fascinating, but seriously creepy, too. I for one am looking forward to the noise. Keith2, Bloomington, IN

Nothing so far 13MAY2004 [AT] 0230

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I just got through looking around some of the trees here around the barracks and no sign of the Brood X Cicada yet. I’ll give it a couple of days, since we have had a very cold winter this past year, they might be running a little behind schedule from the surrounding areas like Springfield, Alexandria and DC, which already have lots of ’em! I’ve been looking forward to seeing these little critters for the past couple of weeks. Back in Texas where I am originally from, we get the annual “Dog-Day Cicadas” in late Summer that have and Orange shell, black spots, and hazel eyes. Private First-Class, Fort Belvoir, VA

Theyre heeerrrrreeeeee

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
A cicada flew in the window in nymph stage ot looks to me and I have saved him here sure is ugly and kinda small, maybe not a cicada I dont know…LOL Nicole, Stanley Virginia


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
No need to witness my first confontation- these things will make a man squeel like a girl. Do I dynomite the family’s prized oak tree or move out of civilization for 5 weeks- life dependent decisions are always hard to choose! Azza, Woodbridge, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
We were excited to see one molt on the old oak tree – it took about 20 minutes. But then alarmed to see 50 in the street. Laurie Jo, Bowie, Maryland


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Tonight I was preparing to go on a nighthike with my boyfriend when we happened upon a thriving mass of ten to twenty cicada nymphs pumping themselves up through the loose soil in a planting island at a gas station.

There were trees nearby and the nymphs are protected from being run over by cars as long as they head toward the nearest trees.

We saw more on the sidewalk and soon we decided to give up on the walk because the pavement was poorly lit and we didn’t want to risk stepping on any of them.

I can’t wait. This is my first experience with a full brood! Carmen, Columbia, MD

Cicadas are right outside my door!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
There must be several hundred cicadas within 50 feet of my condo. I’ve been seeing lots of holes around here for the past few days, and I finally spotted about 5 of them in the bushes and trees this morning. I knew more would be on the way tonight, but WOW! There’s a LOT. Saw them in all stages: Just coming up and crawling along the ground – climbing up bushes and trees – just breaking out of their shells – wings just unfolding – wings fully extended, etc.. It’s amazing to watch them pump blood into their wings. This is just plain cool! Dan, Reston, Virginia

Tonite is the night

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Just opening the front door, I can hear them coming out. The end of the driveway has at least 50 of them crawling around. alan, fairfax va

Saw them emerging

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Thanks to this great web site, I knew the nymphs crawl out at 1030 pm or so. I also knew they were coming based on the many detailed reports here. Sure enough, I went out a few minutes after that, and saw my first one crawling out of the dirt just under a slightly raised shed.

After looking the first one over, I was able to see two more, one on a concrete slab for the hot tub, another on dirt near the base of a tree in a flower bedding area just off the lawn. They look a lot like slugs, and are a very dark choclate brown with medium brown spots and two distinct antennae.

I realize there are folks out there who are concerned about being touched by the cicadas. About the best advice I can give these folks is to consider long-sleeved shirts, long pants, wide brimmed hats and keeping some spares available, as well as some towels or moist towelettes. These preparations may not be needed, but will help assure confidence.

Best. Peter, VA – Loudoun – Sterling – near Church Rd. & Lincoln Rd.


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Late wednesday nite the cicadas arrived in my apartment complex much to my dismay. These things are disgusting. I feel like we are being invaded by bugs. Heather, Rockville MD (Courthouse Area)

Large emergence on my street

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I came home tonight at 9:00 and thought I saw a cicada on a tree. Grabbed my flashlight and went out to look closer, I’m glad I did because in a 60 minute period I counted no less than 20 in various stages of molting. Lots of exit holes in the ground so there will probably be many more I didn’t find. COOL stuff!! you only get to see this once in a great while. It takes about 20-30 minutes for them to complete the molting process from cracking their shell to sitting on a branch with wings unfurled. John Schmidt, Springfield, VA, USA

One Cicada on a Mailbox Pole!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I grew up in Annandale and am very familiar with the Cicadas. Last large emergence which I witnessed had the cicadas with flourescent orange outlines on their wings. Three weeks ago I noticed something that really shocked me, while I was getting my mail at the community PO, I noticed a hole in the ground, moderate sized and I told my wife how Cicadas sow the soil like you wouldn’t believe. About 9 Days Later I went to get the mail and I saw a shell on the post which supports the canopy to the mailbox, lowenbehold there was a cicada on the post all by its lonesome self. At first I didn’t think it was real, I tried to pick it up and it sure was, it was definitely a cicada. This poor guy kept returning to its “post” for a few days, now hes gone. My theory on this is that 20 years ago, when our neighborhood was a pig farm, someone brought some cicadae with them from back East (in a suitcase, truck etc). They must have survived long enough to mate and drop their eggs into a tree. Now the only one left came out! His friends are all victims of the bulldozer, he will die alone, but I can say that he lived in California for a few weeks. I have never heard or seen cicadas out here, so I think this guy got lost (or punished). I know about lookalike insects, my neighbors are from back East and we all were in agreement as to what he was, hopefully another one came out maybe a female (or vice versa, not sure what this was but it had the needle on the abdomen). Amazing but true, I shoulda taken his picture. Wish I was there for this brood. At least the pictures are up! Bringing back memories, while I’m at it, I lived in Annandale for 18 years, we recently had a Thunderstorm which was more intense than Annandale ever had in 18 years, goes to show you that the climate is changing. I hope we get more, it was wonderful to see some lightning!
Daniel Gidez, Sylmar California (No Joke)

Chow Time

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Im a highschool student in baltimore, and one of our biology teachers gave an assembly today on the cicadas. he also publically announced to the entire school that i am the one member of the school community who will eat a cicada in any stage of its life cycle. what can i say? they are yummy! well, i just wanted to give everybody and update on my cicada eatinf prowess and encourage those who have not eaten any to do so. *they emerged in roland park/ ruxton today*

~chris~ chris schmidt, baltimore

A bunch here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
The birds were going absolutely nuts today outside my house, so I looked out and saw a bird fly to the trunk of a tree, then onto the ground, eating a cicada. My daughters and I went out tonight to collect them to maybe cook and eat. You have to look for the grass moving. But the first bag we collected had a bunch of mites in it. We must have grabbed one bad cicada. Got about 60 totally, but we’ll toss the half with the mites. James, Potomac, MD

Cicadas With Hangovers in Wheaton

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Gizmo (our old tabby cat) just deposited a lone cicada on the front step. (It’s his concept of rent.) Hundreds of chimneys under trees here, but the red-eyed guys are “sleepin’ in” here in Wheaton. Jack, Silver Spring, MD

Heebie Jeebies

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have been seeing several of them on my walk way in front of my house. This is giving me the heebies. If I had known about these things a year ago… I would have paved my whole yard! Going to go stay with some relatives for three weeks. Can’t take it alone. Yuk. I know it’s an amazing thing but I just can’t stand to see so many at once. Yuk.
Lisa, Riverdale

Kids going bug crazy!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
The neighbourhood kids are getting into the Cicadas here…popping up ALL OVER THE PLACE (the bugs, not the kids…lol)on our morning walks to school.
There were at least 20 of them on my front stoop, & the large tree in out front yard must be the happin place “hang out” at! Paisley, Fairfax, Virginia

So what’s the bracha (blessing) for sighting a Cicada?

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I was with a friend when we went walking. I saw them in the upper park heights/pikesville area climbing on a few trees. Not many yet, but enough to freak me out. Naomi, Pikesville, MD

Lone Tree Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Last night we saw a few holes around a tree, and one cicada on a blade of grass. Tonight, after dark, we saw at least 12 crawling up one tree, but not a single cicada on the other trees! They are so neat! My brother wants to try eating some cicadas, and we put one in a box to see it change. Sarah, Eldersburg, MD

PA – found one! (lots more to come)

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Tonight 8:00PM, Route 322 near Lancaster / Lebanon County line. I’ve been watching for the past week. Finally found a nymph coming out of the ground. It’s now in a small cage next to my computer. I’ll be watching daily, more news to come. Film at 11. Mike Frey, Lancaster PA

Cicada in Ashburn, VA

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I teach Pre-K in Sterling, VA. One of my students brought in a Ciciada still in its shell, she lives in Ashburn, VA. That is the only one I have seen so far, nobody I work with has seen them yet. Maybe they will be here soon. Kimberly, Leesburg, VA

Waiting Patiently

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Well, so far I have seen three empty shells, all on the garage doors. I am waiting patiently for the hammer to fall. Aaron, Silver Spring


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I just let my dog out to find a cicad invasion in my back yard!!!!I emptied my son’s baby pool earlier today to find that I must have really loosened the soil and set them free. I have to admit it makes me a little queasy to see so many. Im talking dozens!!!! kara, severna park, md

Out and about.

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We have not seen any spread their wings yet, but this evening a nymph was out of his hole to take a look around. Hoping that tomorrow brings us a lot of little red eyed friends warming up to a 17 year symphony! Rich G, Gambrills, MD

Saw some in Crofton

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw about 1/2 a dozen in the backyard where I work today in Crofton. Pam, Severn

Zilch, Nada, Nichevo, Rien, Zip, Zero

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Maybe this area’s seen too much development over the last decade – I have yet to see a nymph casing, let alone an actual red-eyed beastie. And to think that I was kind of looking forward to this – I’m originally from central North Carolina and as far as I can remember from my childhood, all we ever got there were the pedestrian annual Dog-Day Cicadas. Dan, Pentagon City, Arlington, VA

cicada sightings!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Tongiht as I tuned in to watch the Bachelor on TV I had a cicada fly INTO my house through my window! I’ve seen a lot out in my front yard, its fun to see them leak some shells! Mandy, Oakton

Where are they??

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Have only seen a few husks around the trees and fence. I found a few wings laying around the fence. I guess the first few are the unlucky ones that get eaten by birds.

I suppose there will be plenty of them around soon enough. John, Vienna, VA

Cicada Chimneys

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Found lots of cicada chimneys and holes in the backyard. As many as 10 per square foot. No bugs though.
Steve, Miamisburg, OH

There here!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw my first one this morning after it had just shed it’s shell….So add Beltsville, MD to the list!!!! Stacy, Beltsville, MD

Thereeee hereeeee

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
In 2 days we collected a full gallon size ziploc bag of the shells. We took them to my son’s pre-K class for show and tell. They loved it! Teacher said was the best show and tell ever. I am
amazed by these mysterious creatures. I’m watching them come out of shells (white) and within 30 minutes they turn brown and their wings develope. So cool!
Can we sell these anywhere??? Misti Stevens, Johnson City, TN

Where are they?

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’m disappointed. I thought that since our development was built around 20 years ago we would have a good number about. Saw one nymph two nights ago crossing our front step. One on a screen this afternoon and that’s it. Some signs of holes around a couple of trees where the developers left them, but not many (maybe a dozen). Alastair Thomson, Centreville VA

Finally here!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I was so excited to see the cicadas arrive in Fairfax! I had only seen a couple in the past few days but today they have literally taken over my entire yard! I think there have to be at least 10 per square foot!! I have an old lot with lots of deciduous trees so I wasn’t surprised. My son and I are going to break out the digital camera later today and take pictures. I’ll have to be careful though – the last time we did that he took 302 pictures! Happy cicada hunting! 🙂 Charles, Fairfax, VA

Cicidas Have Arrived

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Cicidas have arrived in Jefferson City. Cassandra, Jefferson County Tennessee

They’re Here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
They started ewmerging here about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Now at night they seem to be making a b-line for my sun room. Had to seal the space in the door before they invaded. Jay, Kensington, MD

So far only saw a few

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
On my walk to the Metro (Forest Glen), I saw 3 shells and 2 basking cicadas. Later, walking to my office, I saw lots of *pieces* of cicadas but nothing much else.

I remember back in 1987 (I was 12)I used to catch them in flight and stick them to my gym teacher’s shirt. He’d scream like a little girl. That memory still makes me laugh! JR, Silver Spring, MD

Sighted one in NC!!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have my first cicada!!!! After dealing with these guys last year with Brood IX, I know better of what to expect this year. All of my trees were ‘pruned’ last year by the cicadas and really looked better by summer’s end than they did before. If you have grapes, GET SOME NETTING!! Please do not spray these guys, or anything else in your yard. The only thing that irritates me about these is the fact that my 5 year old daughter sneaks them in the house!! Happy watching. Jennifer, Westfield, Stokes Co, North Carolina

Thousands Hatched May 8-9th,2004

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Ranger, 6 miles west of Murphy NC the trees are alive with cicada’s .. dean, Ranger, NC

Cicada Attack

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I walked out of my house this morning to find a single cicada sitting on my back wall, staring at me. I knew I had to act quickly, so I jetted for my car. I jumped in and slammed the door just in time to look back and see… that he was still sitting there staring at me. Maybe he is harmless. But I think he is waiting for his friends before he strikes. Matt, Arlington, VA

Seen some here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Actually got to see some emerge lastnight. Picked up one to check out texture. Felt kinda rubbery. Placed him back on the tree and left him to dry. Watching him dry out was quite amazing. I could actually see the little moisture drops on his wings. I felt like I was watching the discovery channel, only live 🙂 I’m very excited. The last time I seen these guys I was 9 and had just moved to the area also very freaked out by bugs. Heather , Laurel, MD

The cidadas won’t hurt you!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I was 13 when Brood X emerged in 1970 and that seemed like a big emergence to me. On my walk to school I’d see the cidada body shells all over trees and fence posts and I’d see the just emerged cidadas (we actually called them locusts back then)trying to dry and harden up. The 1987 emergence didn’t seem as dramatic to me and it’s probably because I wasn’t walking in a wooded area as much as I did at age 13.

A lot of people are trying to tease those who have never experienced the cidadas that these insects are going to attack them. This is NOT TRUE! These are very gentle creatures and the only thing that I thought was kind of gross was all the cidada body shells everywhere and the wet, shiny, just emerged insects. The “singing” does get a bit loud, but most people have air conditioning this time of year and keep the windows closed. It’s such a cool phenomenon so just enjoy it. This time I’m taking lots of pictures.

The cidadas will not fly at you or bother you or bite or sting you. I remember that in 1970 and 1987 when I had cats that they loved to eat the cicadas. They just dive bomb for them and the poor cicadas didn’t stand a chance. If you are really afraid of them, stay away from wooded areas and trees. If you go to the swimming pool you may see a stray cidada or two floating on top of the water. That’s a minor downside.

I walked to the Metro stop at East Falls Church today- which is actually in Arlington, VA- and I didn’t see one cidada. I have not seen any yet but I know they will be here! Enjoy them while they last. Lisa Jane, Falls Church, VA

None here yet either

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We are just north of Kensington, MD(technically in Wheaton) and we haven’t seen any yet either. We have tons in the ground but none have emerged yet.
I’m waiting. Dalit, Silver Spring, MD

An interesting buzz on the Hill

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw my first cicada cut in front of me in traffic this morning as I was approaching Pennsylvania Avenue on 4th Street SE. Luckily it was faster than my windshield and continued on its merry way! Johanna, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC

They have arrived….

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
A note from Columbia, Maryland: they are now here! Saw a few on a tree last night! Heather, Columbia, MD

They’re here!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We went to the local rec center today — a lovely wooded area — and they are HERE! Tons of sheds all over trees and the side of the building. We saw several “groggy” ones basking in the sun, waiting for their wings and bodies to dry. We also saw quite a few carcasses strewn about, not sure of the cause.

Now we await the chorus!
L S T, Annandale, VA


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Emergence really got started last night– saw hundreds and only one with any sign of massospora. They seemed to be molting much more quickly than in 1987. Also noticed that male nymphs headed way up into trees to molt. I only found a few adults from last night when I checked this morning– this first group didn’t come out in sufficient numbers to escape predation. The next three or four nights will be incredible, as we’re in the 1 million plus epicentre of the brood. I LOVE THESE GUYS! This is the most fantastic display of nature you are going to see in North America! Keith, Bloomington, IN

big emergence

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
over 70 nymphs were emerging last night in the pikesville Chruch lane area. lots were just splitting in the street, and soon swarmed by ants. so i picked up the cicadas and stepped on the ants… (that will teach em to plague my kitchen). James, Pikesville

Cicada races

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Today, my students found several adults cicadas in the grass. So we put them on the trees and watched them race to the top. Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

They’re in Virginia

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Like everyone else on the thread, I noticed several last night on the underside of plants. This morning, there were about 100 on and around a telephone pole. I’m corrected as I thought this was mostly hype. Rahul, Falls Church, VA

The Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Hey Guys! I’m so excited about the Cicadas. In fact, I just saw one this morning! It was so cool. I’m a little nervous about one flying into me though. That would be so gross! I can’t wait! I’m going to put one as my Windows XP backdrop now! Anne R., Oakton

Dale Hollow Lake KY/TN

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Our family will be on our annual houseboat trip to Dale Hollow all of next week, May 15-23. Any ideas on what we can expect by way of the cicada hatch? Have a couple of terrified kids so need to know. Still will go, but have to plan alternative things for them to do if they won’t go catch them! Thanks! KP Kristie, Illinois

Hundreds in my yard

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
As of 05/12/04 there are hundreds of cicadas in my yard most of them are sitting at ground level or on the side of my house. One plant in my front yard had easily several hundred clinging to it. There were a few emerging yesterday, but the bulk seem to be today. Scott, Franconia, Virgnina

Release the Hounds

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Saw a couple of them flying around Braddock Park in Centreville on Tuesday night…a lot of evergreen trees out that way, so we’ll see if the park becomes a “million per acre” site or not. Jason, Centreville, VA

They’re Here in Columbia

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
May 12 lots of them are coming out of the ground. Watched dozens climb out of the ground and climb the tree. Several emerging. Matt, Columbia, MD

Sat 5-8-04

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We got a few hundred this past Saturday in Anneslie South of Towson.
Very friendly bugs. Lots of smiles for the kids.

They’re definitely here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We first discovered fifty to one hundred cicadas in our front yard on Sunday night, when I went to take out the garbage and heard something crunch underfoot. They were swarming my front porch. My teenage son and I watched for an hour as they skittered across the pavement and wriggled out of their skins. We posted a warning sign, “Watch your step–cicadas!” There were not so many on Monday or Tuesday night, but this morning the back yard was full of cicadas festooned on the azalea bushes, resting on the swingset, buzzing through the sunlight. One enormous, enterprising black squirrel was harvesting cicadas from the bushes and consuming them as fast as he could. They have definitely arrived. Laura, Wheaton, MD

Where do I get protective clothing?!?!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I am very anxious about these cicadas flying into me, landing on me, swarming around me, seeing them, etc…. Is there some sort of “beekeeper-ish” suit that I could purchase in the DC area to avoid “feeling” them on me? I am already getting panic attacks and some anxiety about them!! PLEASE HELP!! Scared!, Washington DC

Cicadas at Goucher College!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I went to check out some of the emerging cicadas this morning with three of my co-workers. There were shells every where, and we watched some very groggy guys climbing up trees and drying out. There were some dead ones on the sidewalk who didn’t seem to have the strength to continue their journey.
Audrey, Towson, Maryland

pretty neat!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have seen one this morning [AT] 7am.
It’s 11:30 and i have approx 100 popping out. It’s really cool to
them go from the larva stage to the flight stage. Watch one, it will
be worth it!! Thomas S., Fallston- Maryland

1 Shell Found

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I found 1 shell this morning on the base of a White Birch tree in my yard. Rick, Archbald, PA

Saw one… but only one so far

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw one yesterday (May 11) on my mailbox, but thus far this is the only one I have seen. My boyfriend, in Silver Spring, MD has seen many. Jennifer, Hyattsville, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have hundreds of cicadas on my front lawn, front elm tree and on our walkway. The squirrels and birds have been feasting the past 2 days. The squirrels like to eat the abdomen and leave the legs wriggling. Leaving the front light on seems to make a difference. I had a few less around the front door last night as I left the front light off. Not doing this the night before resulted in many hanging on the front screen. ED, Bethesda


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Our backyard is covered with shells and adults. We had our first couple on May 5, then a few more on the 6th. I left town for the weekend and when I returned on the 9th, our house exterior and back yard were covered. They seem particularly fond of the south point of our yard where I found hundreds this morning. Ashley, Baltimore, Maryland

Windshield sitting!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
On my drive along the GSP to pick up my daughter from college I saw this thing coming from a fair distance away. It left a big smudge on my windshield. Can’t wait to see the full emergence. Ed Hawley, Keyport,NJ

None yesterday – hundreds today

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Couldn’t find a single one yesterday. This morning, there were hundreds in my front yard alone. Most were on the shrubs and hostas underneath my oak tree. The squirrels were going nuts! Vic, McLean, VA

saw 2!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw two this morning. One had just shed his nymph-skin and was drying his wings. Very beautiful. The red eyes are stunning.

Looking forward to more! kristenfw, lower Brookland, DC

Cicada arrival

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Cicadas are here in the Middleridge section of Fairfax. A dozen moltings around my front door this morning and a few cicadas hanging out on the front steps, not quite ready to fly. Dave, Fairfax, VA

First One!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw my first empty shell (alright, 1/2 a shell) this morning! Susan, Columbia, MD

Finally saw them!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Last night I took a walk around the block and saw about two dozen shells on utility poles — no cicadas. This morning, when I went outside to bring in the newspapers — no cicadas. However, when my ten year old and I went to get in the car at 8AM, she spotted one perched on a rear tire! Then I saw one on the other rear tire.

I remember them from when I was ten back in 1970 and then again 17 years ago. My question is: when will I say I’ve seen too many? Dennis, Silver Spring, Maryland

Driveway Melting Pot

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
This past Monday, May 10th they were covering my entire driveway. All dead due to the heat of the blacktop. Judy, Rockville, MD

The Mulch Will Not Harm Them

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
No worries on the mulch. Even if you kill 1000 of them, there’s 10,000’s more right behind ’em…..

I live in Northwest DC — Friendship Heights area. They’re here! Witness to about 300 cicadas this morning on my walk around the block Cicada BBQ-Man, Washington, DC

First Sightings

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Yesterday (5/11/2004), I saw 4 shells on a short walk in the evening outside my home about a mile west of the Pentagon. This morning, I saw between 6 and 12 more shells and 2 cicadas while walking to the car. David Gray, Arlington, VA

Brood X Emergence Update May 12

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Here in McLean in suburban DC we had even more cicads emerging last night than the night before. My 9-year-old son amused himself by picking up nymphs crawling through the grass and helping them out by putting them onto the tree trunks. Although there appear to be dozens and perhaps hundreds of empty nymph casings on the trunks of our older trees or in the grass at their base we have yet to see cicadas flying around much less in large numbers. Nor have we heard any noises we could identify as cicada buzzing. jmgradon, McLean, VA

No signs yet – Preakness?

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Only about an hour south of DC and I’ve had no sightings and I haven’t heard them yet either. I’m excited to see them, but don’t want them to ruin the Preakness up in Baltimore this weekend. Has anyone in the Baltimore area seen them? Wendel, Southern Maryland

Got ’em

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We’ve had them for over a week. Just a handful right now, but the dog’s loving it. Bart, Woodbridge, VA

The cicadas have arrived in my neighborhood!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
On my morning walk yesterday, 5/11/04, I first saw holes in the ground, then empty skins, then some dead cicadas and finally a live one, drying in the sun.

But this morning, 5/12/04…it was a bug of a different color! They seemed to be everywhere! Hundreds of skins, lots of live and dead cicadas on the sidewalks (including some 1/2 eaten and lots of random wings! Yuk!) As well as some still emerging, many buzzing about on shrubs and some in the beaks of passing sparrows. The invasion is upon us! J. Lowe, Woodley Park, Washington, DC


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I haven’t seen any yet, but I’ve been doing research. There is a cookbook online at the University of Maryland entomology department!

There are soft-shelled cicadas, shanghai cicadas, cicada dumplings, cicada stir-fry, chirper tacos, chocolate covered circadas, circada pie, and others!!! Bonnie, Elkridge, Maryland

I don’t like these Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
My children and I saw a few cicadas on our building as you walk out. We even saw them stuck together. I think they are so nasty looking. I’m getting married in June, what I’m I going to do.

Jeanine, New Carrollton, MD

Saw them in the yard!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Saw a few shells on my tree this morning – saw a shell on a leaf in the tree last night, saw two birds fighting over a cicada in front of the door, and then saw another shell on the ground under the same tree! Telephone poles on Ravensworth Rd. in Annandale are covered with shells. Lisa, Springfield, VA

what a pleasant surprise

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
This morning, there were shells all over the ground, and lots of critters all over the trees – hugging the bark, the leaves. Everywhere. For a number, let’s go with dozens. No noise noted.
Joe, mount washinton, MD

The Cicada Invasion Has Begun!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Arlington Village – Arlington, VA

Cicada’s, cicada’s everywhere!

The birds seemed especially loud this morning…. Cicada Steve, Arlington, VA

Cicadas are plentiful in Pickens County

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Our State entymologist did not expect Cicadas South of Lumpkin County, GA. Well I can tell you for sure they are here! (5/12/04) Dave Blake, Jasper, Georgia


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
The emergence began last night here in Potomac Farms. I watched several cicadas emerge and begin to shed thier shells at about 10:30 pm. By this morning there were several dozen empty shells at the base of an old maple tree in my front yard and adult cicadas hanging out in the branches. We are expecting more to emerge in the coming days! James, Ashburn, Virginia

There Here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Found one in the pool this morning! I’m sure there are many more to come. Tami, North Potomac, MD

on car Tires!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Woke up this morning and found dozens of cicadas attached to the black tires on our car!! Also on a little tree and our wooden fence! Wow!!! Jeff G, Silver Spring, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
There must have been almost two dozen of the nasty critters clinging to my garage door this morning. I can only guess that the birds will soon be showing up and it will look like something out of a Hitchcock film! Funny thing, though, that’s the only place I saw them. Were they there because of the morning sun? Lynne, Oak HIll, VA

Any Cicadas near Pennsville, NJ ??

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ll be in the Pennsville, NJ area this weekend. Does anyone know of a place nearby to see the Cicadas ? Karen, Rochester, NY

They’re all over the parking lot

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I just spent some time picking up 20 or so off the parking lot and tires of trucks parked overnight here at work. Yesterday we saw 2 or 3, today there are tons. Kathy, Camp Springs, MD

Front porch sitings

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Found 5 on the front porch and a shell hanging on the brick. My son freaked out when he poked the shell and realized that there was still a bug in it that had not emerged yet. The fun has begun. Cam, Severna Park, Maryland

No cicadas yet

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I live near Georgia Avenue and the beltway. Yesterday there were reportedly lots of cicadas near my church (east side of Ga. ave) but I haven’t even seen a shell on the west side. Tammy, Silver Spring

Thousands in my backyard

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ve got thousands of cicadas in my backyard. Last night the ground seemed alive with them. There were hundreds climbing up one tree. It was bizarre. Now I know why there are big piles of the skeletons at the base of the tree. A lot climb up and then fall down. Go out at night to see them come out. Bob, Bethesda, Maryland

They’re here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Empty shells on the trees Monday; saw MANY emerging Tuesday evening. They are definitely here. John, Bowie, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We don’t have large cicadas in the Netherlands, but I have encountered them on my trips to southern Spain and the Sonoran desert in Arizona. How an insect like this can make such a lot of noise is a mystery to me! I would love to see this 2004 Brood X phenomenon take place. Edith Nies, The Netherlands

Exiting the soil

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ve seen nymphs for about a week when digging the soil and turning over rocks. Inspired by todays May 11 Post article, I went out tonight and saw a nymph crawling up the tree. Quite a few holes in the ground, and saw one cicada butt sticking out of one. Quite a kick to see them making their way out of the soil.

I’d been feeding nymphs to my daughter’s White’s Tree Frog over the last week, but he’s been looking fat and constipated, so I stopped that practice . . . Scott McAfee, Springfield, VA

Cicadas hit Jessup

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
My son found 2 cicadas on the front porch at 10:30pm Tuesday. Terri, Jessup,Maryland

First look

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Saw one (and only one) at around midnight. The rest should be out by tomorrow. John, Severna Park, MD

Photographing an Emerging Cicada From The Shell

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ve been sitting outside watching a Cicada come out of it’s shell…it is so amazing!
Lisa S, Rockville Maryland, USA

They’re Back

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We’ve seen a few over the past couple of days, but tonight they are EVERYWHERE! Jean, Annandale, VA


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I finally saw some of the little critters as I was on the way to our laundry room. I’m in the Courthouse metro area, in Colinial Village. As I watched the one slowly make its way along the sidealk, another one came out. I think this is pretty exciting. But, maybe in a few days when they are every where….. Barb, Arlington, Va.

They’re here!

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Came face to face with my first cicada in my back yard yesterday morning. Saw more later last night after sundown. Today, those were all dead or torn apart. Tonight, 3 times as many on my back and front patios. I am morbidly engrossed and grossed out. I am not happy about this. I’ve got a huge yard with many old, old trees. I resent that I won’t be able to enjoy it for the next few weeks. Shawn, Garrett Park, Maryland

Re: was planning to mulch

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Don’t worry about it —- my mom described to me once how they were coming up through sun-warmed asphalt during an emergence in her youth!!!! Sarah Dalton, Columbus, OH


Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Yeah my aunts dog came in with a cicada wing hanging out of it’s mouth. So they have arrived in Morristown. Mark , Morristown, New Jersey

They are here!

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Went outside to retrieve a something from the car, and there they were on the pavement, just roaming very slowly… they are not afraid like most insects… Can’t wait to hear them “SING”

Good-Luck James, Montgomery Village, MD USA

they are out

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
10pm tues. i found 8-10 crawling on my front walk and house. They are here!!!! K Hicks, oxon hill, md

What’s taking them so long?

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
I’m seeing more and more holes every day, can even look into some of the holes and see those red eyes peering back at me. Have not seen a single shell from one that has emerged. I was in Vienna
Virginia in 1987, they were everywhere. Rich G, Gambrills, MD

Cicadas seen here!

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
On my morning walk of, I saw 1 1/2 mile in western Annandale on Monday 5/10, I saw 2 cicadas. Today I saw about 250!! Claire, Annandale, VA

one big molt-a-rama

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
it’s 9:30pm and there is a molt-fest going on in my backyard. fascinating! i highly recommend looking for cicadas soon after nightfall. Pam, Kensington, MD

crunch crunch crunch

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
my kids collected 28 exoskeletons this afternoon and placed them in baggies to bring to school tomorrow. They were playfully arguing over their new posessions. We also found 2 live ones in the grass that did not make it up into the trees. Mary Ellen Wolf, Reston VA

We call Cicadas ” ChakChanh “

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Laotians are very exited about ” Chakchanh ”
will come out because It is exotic. Khammoung, Murfreesboro, TN

Was planning to mulch…

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Was planning to put down mulch around some of our trees this weekend but I’m afraid I my hurt the ciacdas chances of getting out? Does anyone know it this is a valid concern?

Thanks! Peter, Princeton, NJ

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