Brood X Old Message Board

May 19th – May 23rd 2004 Cicada Comments

None Yet!!!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Kinda want to get it over with! Alan, Hauppauge. Long Island

Where are they

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I have been watching for them everyday. Nothing yet here =( Frank, Toledo, Ohio

Awaiting the Wonderous Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Many storms here over the last week, lots of flooding in S.E. Michigan, cool soil tempertures. Hopefully the babies are in waiting. Envious of those who are now in the midst. Searched in southern Washtenaw County..none so far. Can’t wait for an emergence of Brood X nearby my location in western Wayne County. Has anybody seen them yet in S. E. Mich? And shame on the Humans that are doing the Magic Cicadas harm…watch that your Karma doesn’t whip back around at you. Respect their life. Deb, Western Wayne County, Mi.

airport invation

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
hey they are at cvg (airport) they love apu’s on planes and ac units drew, hebron ky

TN Cicadas…

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Hey, East TN – if ya’ll don’t care,
just keep them there – it’s quiet
in southern middle-TN, so far!
(fingers crossed, of course!) Annette, Summertown, TN (Lawrence County)

Cicadas are still awake even at night

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Its almost Midnight on Saturday Night.I went outside and just observed at least a Hundred or more still Singing on the pavement of my street in front of my house under the Street Light.It seems that they are attracted to light at night which explains why there are so many out on my front step in the Morning after leaving the front light on all night.I Dont remember this in 87 Ron and Mary, Annandale, Virginia

Noise is peaking here in southern Indiana

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Incredible noise in some areas of town today. Out in the Hoosier Nat’l Forest today the background drone gave the eerie feeling of a Japanese monster movie. I suppose it might get louder yet, but it’s hard to imagine. Mike, Bloomington, IN

epicenter in princeton new jersey

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Took a ride through Princeton today and opened the window…could hear them buzzing and vibrating like there was a UFO hovering overhead. I got out of my car and walked around. I looked at this one tree which may just have been the epicenter of all cicada activity in Princeton…there must have been upwards over 100000 cicada casings on just one tree…other trees in the vicinity were also mightily covered. I saw lots of dried dead cicadas on the sidewalk and driveways. I also saw something interesting…dead cicads which were half way out of their molting process…they were dried up…I guess something happened during the molting process that prevented them from finishing it and they just dried out.

I was quite amazing to hear their shrills in the air. It sounded like two distinct waves of noise…one was the general chirping and the second was the UFO type noise like it was hovering overheard and vibrating back and forth. I live about 10 miles north in Belle Mead and none have made it there so I think Princeton and Skillman which is a couple miles north is as far as they will get. mark, belle mead, nj


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I live in the Cresent Hill area of Louisville and we are crawling (and flying and crunching). They are everywhere!!! This area of Louisville and the Highlands seems to be very popular with brood X. Must be all the old houses. We have been seeing more of the bats from Cave Hill flying around. Soon they will be too heavy to fly from all the crunch and munch. Lisa, Louisville, KY

I still haven’t seen any cicadas!!!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
In response to the 5/18 entry from Debbie from Middlesex, NJ: Have you heard of anybody seeing them around here? I haven’t seen any and I’m not looking forward to it at all. In the paper it said that the epicenter for them is Princeton. Has anyone heard anything similar? Thanks. Tracy, Middlesex, NJ

Strange cicada emergence in new jersey

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
You can go a full circle around princeton, NJ and not find a single cicada but in and around the university campus there are millions of them. Maybe there’s some kind of funny microclimate there? Or perhaps they’ve died out in areas around princeton? alan w., new jersey

Green Lane Park PA–They’ve Arrived!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Last week I was visiting Arlington VA–and they were hatching. Next morning they were in full cry. I couldn’t believe their awesome sound!! I was thoroughly enchanted by these weird lovestruck critters. But I didn’t think we’d get them here in Suburban Philly area because I don’t recall them from 87. Today I went up to Green Lane Park and there they were!! It seemed to be a different species. The ones in VA had a lovely mellow tone–these sounded more shrill. They were very heavy in this one field by Rt 29, and I went to look. I saw a huge number of dead ones around the bottom of trees. A lot of them looked deformed. I was kind of worried, maybe the environmental pollutants are harming them? Laura , Oaks PA

None here.

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
There are no signs of anything Cicada here. Planning a trip to Cincinnati next weekend to hang with the cicadas instead. Josh , Ferndale, MI (Just north of Detroit)

Do cicada’s smell?

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
We have tons of cicada’s in our yard and we have been noticing a terrible smell lately. We are worried that there is an animal that died that we can’t find but is is possible that it could be an odor from all of the cicadas? We seem to have noticed it in other areas of our neighborhood as well. Does anyone have any info? Kristen, Rockville, MD

Can’t wait to see you!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I’m not a friend of creepy crawlies, but I’m excited to see them emerge.
So far I haven’t seen even one. I will take pictures of this event and send them to friends all over the world!

Ilona, Grove City,Ohio

Tey’re everywhere, they’re everywhere

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
There seems to be millions of them. I live in a wooded area and they are all over everything. We saw a lot of them comming out of the shell last night & it looks like they have none or almost no wings at all. Saw a lot of them in different stages, was a very interesting show! Carol, Coopersburg, PA

Pump up the volume

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
They really cranked it up today just north of Baltimore. I live on the 6th floor of an apt. building right next to the beltway and they were louder than the traffic. The noise seemed to start to taper off around 7 pm and they were silent by sunset (8:20 here today). Interesting creatures and all, but the noise is gonna get old pretty soon I suspect. greg, Towson, Md.

Millions!!! Cicada

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Unbelievable! Louder than a chain Saw!!! Trees That were 25 ft apart appear now to connect! This is my 3rd time I’ve seen them in my life. There are so many at my place of employment they cannot all fit into the trees. They have spilled onto the roadway to be pulverized by autos. I have never witnessed so many. It is only their 3 rd day coming out. Dayton Ky is 3 miles southeast of Cincinnati Ohio. runninmn, Dayton, Ky.

What is so awesome about these ugly things??!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
My daughter and I went walking around Ft. Benjamin Harrison, and they were everywhere! It wasn’t until I remembered reading an article earlier this week that I realized what they were. Some of my daughter’s classmates were telling her about them as well. I don’t like the summer bugs that come every year, let alone these nasty things! So, I am limited to the outdoors until the end of June! Traci, Indianapolis IN

Small emergence-Delaware

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
We have had a small emergence of cicadas here in my backyard, but so far, I have heard but one or two. I think that most may have been eaten by birds? Have tons of birds out back. About 2 miles away, just on the border of Elkton MD and Delaware, there have been many, many more. The loud humming sound is audible from a mile or so away. shishypat, Newark, DE

They’re here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I read a message that the Cicadas weren’t visible on campus two days ago. I just moved here from Minnesota and we never have Cicadas. But they are definitely visible now! Holy cow! MG, Miami University

None here!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Someone from this area posted these 17 year cicadas in Massachusetts, but as far as I can tell there are NONE in New England. Not even sure if there are any as far north as NJ. Tom Aloisi, Bridgewater, MA (southeastern Mass)

So loud

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I woke this morning to the sound–I was sure someone had left the water running somewhere. I searched all over the house, but no faucets were running. I opened the front door and sound hit me. I live within 200ft of a major Interstate highway, yet the cicadas drowned out the sound of the traffic. Amazing. Anita, Arlington, Virginia

There here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Finally found my first cicada’s here on Long Island……….yippy Paul, Deer Park NY


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Finally arrived on the northeast side. State Road 37 and 71st Street. Small emergance so far, we will see how it goes. Kim, Indianapolis IN

Big emergence ’round here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
The cicadas started emerging about two weeks or so ago in Annandale (suburb of Washington, DC), and I think they may have hit their peak this weekend. There are literally millions of them – you cannot walk down the street without running into hundreds and hundreds. And the discarded shells are also everywhere. They are so LOUD!

This is pretty cool, but I am also glad to know they will be gone by the end of June. Squished cicadas are pretty icky. And one crawled up the leg of my jeans – ugh! Siobhan Green, Annandale, VA

kevin rasmussen, where exactly?

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
just where are the across from belle isle? anywhere in particular? i need to go and find some… minda, detroit ‘burb

Thank God!!!…

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I’m very glad we don’t have them around here — swarms of insects like that, however harmless they may be, just creep me out!!! Kristin, Everett, MA

They’re FINALLY here!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Last week I posted that I haven’t seen or heard any and was VERY disappointed about it. I’ve been walking my dog every day searching for them in the woods nearby.
This morning, I opened the front door and could hear them VERY well coming from the wooded hill nearby. It’s an AWESOME sound!!!
We drove this morning around town to look for them. They can be heard very well on Riva Road in Annapolis.
I wish I could get some photos of them emerging out of their exoskeletons.
Varda, Arnold, Cape St. Claire

Cicada Invasion

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Our back yard is full of cicadas. I was surprised to see so many since we live in town. Our home is 100 years old though and we have an old oak tree in our back yard. At night our yard is fully covered with them with only an inch or two between them. Of a morning our back door and steps are covered with them. They are on everything. The worst part is that the smell of them is starting to get nauseous. Debra, North Vernon,IN USA

Stonewall Manor filled with cicada crooning

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Today (May 22) the cicadas were in full song in my Stonewall Manor neighborhood. Sitting on my deck, I could barely hear the neighbor’s lawn mower over the cicada singing. We are near the I-495/I-66 interchange, and normally the interstate traffic can be heard from my deck, but not today. Even the noise from the jet airplanes heading to National Airport are mostly drowned out by the cicadas. I was in Falls Church in 1987, but don’t remember them being this loud. It’s very impressive. Mike, Vienna, VA

Cicadas are Here & Noisy!!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Hi everyone…during the past two days the number and noise level of the cicadas have increased dramatically in the woods behind our house. Their symphony is at the highest level at the hottest part of the day, about 3 to 4 p.m. or so. Our Border Collie ate his first cicada last night on the porch…apparently, he really enjoyed the experience!

It continues to be absolutely fascinating. I’ll be sad when it is all over!! Cheryl VanDaalen, Falls Creek, Louisville, Kentucky

Cicadas on key.

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
The cicadas have been singing their song here in this part of East TN since around May 22. Their steady song seems to fill the nearby wood. TennTom, Blount County, Tennessee,USA

I haven’t seen any here..

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I wonder if I’ll be seeing any cicadas around here. Part of me finds the fact that swarms of these things taking over my town is kind of cool. Another part of me is creeped out, because one bug alone is creepy enough! If they end up showing up here in high numbers, I will totally freak out! Ha-It’ll probably look like that movie “The Birds!”lol!-and at least my cats will have fun! Cait, Bergan County, NJ

How much longer????

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Does anyone know when our unwanted visitors will be leaving or at least becoming dormant? These things are driving me nuts – they’re just plan nasty.

Elan, Fairfax, Virginia

You can have mine, I have plenty!!!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
The Cicadas have taken over my property!!! I dont even want to cut the grass right now!!! I should wait till they quite down and do it at night to see how they like that!!! If anyone wants to take these bugs for research you are more than welcome to them. One condition, YOU MUST TAKE THEM ALL!!! David, Knoxville TN

cicadas everywhere

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
today has been the most exciting day so far… they are busily buzzing all over the place, its very loud. I live off a golf course with lots of trees and I can’t imagine how the golfers are concentrating on their game. My friend and I went for a walk and practically had to yell to be heard! nikki, reston, va

Noisy Cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
First week of May i did not Know what this noise was,and it was very loud and you new there was alot of them. I thaught at first bats but then i saw a story on good morning america. I then took a good look out in the back yard and sure enough it was cicadas. Hundreds if not thousands…This was the first week of May and they only started around dusk and went till 5 in the morning…Now you still hear them but theres not as many, you can tell the differnce….The Cicadas are in a garden that has a few trees around it on one side of the house but there not any where else around the house.I’ve never had such a noise keep me up through the night,the bed room windows are on the side of the house that looks into the garden…. michelle, (nonquit,)So.Dartmouth.Ma.

Cicadia Sighting

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Saw a few starting about a week ago.
This morning there were several hundred on and around the sycamore trees in our front yard. Walt Mills, Springfield OH


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
This is the first time I’ve experienced this chaos. They are freaking me out. They don’t really serve much purpose, but I suppose this is pretty cool:
My husband called our local fly-fishing shop and asked if they thought he could use them as bait & if trout (and the like) will eat the cicadas….He replied “The trout should be pounding them once they figure it out!” He also said they should be huge in the fall. I imagine several other species of animals will enjoy gorging themselves and having a good healthy year. So at least they are good for something.
At the very least, just think of it as a ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BUFFET FOR MOTHER NATURE!!
Paula, Reisterstown, MD

Tool using cicadas??

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I live in an old sea captain’s house on Barnegat Bay. There is a 130 year old Elm tree in the yard and from the amount of mud chimneys, we are expecting a shipload of bugs. However, our chimneys have sticks pulled into the holes, and even some green leaves. The sticks are up to 8 inches tall, some are little twigs,pointing staight up, very unnaturally, all over the place.The sticks go into the ground at least an inch. Our soil is sandy, could they use these sticks to maintain an air tunnel when it rains? Heide, Waretown, NJ.

They’re Here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
They have come to Bedford. Although my house is a new construction and I feel many were killed during excavation, I have talked to folks to have tons around their homes. Erick, Bedford, PA

None Yet?

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I live in Mooresville, IN about 40 miles north or Bloomington and I have yet to see any. I am starting to get depressed because I am pumped up for the invasion. The way everybody (media) talked is that they all come out pretty much the same time. The ground temps are far past 64 degrees and we have had lots of rain this week so the conditions are prime. I just hope they save the best for last. Good Cicada Hunting. Tyler Martin, Mooresville, Indiana

Cicadas in Dandridge

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I’ve been actively searching and the only concentration of Cicadas that I’ve found in Tennessee were 30 miles or so southeast of Knoxville in Dandridge. Even there, thry were mostly spotty and while definitely loud they were for the most part all in the treetops being camera shy. Fred Hallman, Nashville, Tennessee

Cicadas on South Mountain

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
We’ve been hearing Brood X for about a week or 10 days now, all over the mountain. I wnet into an area where many are emerging, and their nymph ‘husks’ are on trees by the hundreds per tree. I don’t think it’s at a peak yet. So far, I have neither seen or heard them in the valley nearer Hagerstown. I don’t know why, just probably havent found the right place. Greg , Hagerstown, Wash. Co. MD


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004

this is not the huge emergence we were hoping for but for the last two nights we have seen several thousand in a small cluster of woods next to our property. nymphs, adults, and all in between on low shrubs headed for the treetops. they’re getting louder, it’s a nice sound. Big Daddy G, Gambrills, MD

See what?

Date: Friday, May/21/2004
I have seen where a few people in my surrounding area have seen a few, but nothing here so far, I do leave outside of town in the country area of D-ville, but nothing so far.
I have been waiting, so I can show my kids what I got to see when I was their age!
On another note, I do think dogs can hear them coming! My dog seems to dig a lot lately too, she has been nose to the ground, digging since last week or so. Being as she is only a little over 4 pounds, she will be more scared of them then they are of her, it should be good for a laugh if she gets to see them in full force! Kathleen, Duncansville, Blair County, Central PA

cicadas are weird

Date: Friday, May/21/2004
hi, i woke up one morning to find shells all over the tires of my car. and that droning sound is so annoying. i live in front of a wooded area. anyways, i think they are on the trees somewhere now because i dont see them crawling in the grass anymore.

also, i’ve always wondered what was the point of the cicada life cycle. they are born larvae, live in the ground for 17 years, come out and die. that must be a great life… Drew, Rockville (Montgomery CO), Maryland

Sitting Ducks

Date: Friday, May/21/2004
I have been closely observing the emergence of cicadas here over the past few nights. I am struck by how vulnerable they are for such an extended length of time – molting out in the open. I figured that since most of them emerge at night, they avoid most predators, like birds.

Tonight I found one emerging on my screen door, with a large droplet of dark, almost black fluid dangling off it. Closer examination revealed that they are, in fact, succeptible to predators. While the Cicada was partially emerged, a soldier beetle simply began feeding on it, releasing a lot of liquid. Undoubtedly, the cicada must use that fluid to expand it’s body, cracking and emerging from its shell –

There must be a lot of soldier beetles feasting this week! Richard, Rockville, MD

Dead cicadas everywere

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Ugh, the sidewalks are disgusting with smashed cicadas everywhere. At one point I looked down today and there were at least 20 cicadas within inches of my feet. Taylor, Washington, DC

they are everywhere

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Well, I’ve got about 20000 in my back yard, and the yards not the big. Don’t go out there barefoot! They are crawling everywhere tonight and falling out of the trees. Awesome, but creepy too. Zach Winning, West Carrollton (Dayton), Montgomery CO, OH

Woo-hoo!!! At last they are here!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Yesterday I saw my first Brood X cicada near Berea, KY in a wooded area — could hear many singing, but only found one down near the ground.. It seems a pretty light emergence so far in central KY. Then today (after appearing on the morning news as a cicada “expert”) I found my first live cicada here in Lexington, right on the lawn of the Living Arts and Science Center! I took it inside to show it to my fellow workers — they had decided I was making up this whole story of cicadas, since we’d seen none so far. I breathed a sigh of relief since I am creating a small cicada exhibit to interpret the emergence — I was worried we’d see nothing here.

So this all got me so excited that I went and got my son out of preschool early and drove up to Cincinnati for the evening to see the BIG emergence in my sister’s backyard near College Hill. Thousands and thousands of cicadas everywhere!!! What a thrill. Now I have dozens of nymph shells to put in the exhibit. We’re having a cicada celebration on Saturday at the Living Arts and Science Center — we’ll be making “cicada time capsules” and cicada origami, among other things. Hopefully I’ll have completed my giant paper mache cicada by then! Roberta Burnes, Lexington, KY

I’ve seen a few, but mostly just wings…

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I first posted on May 16th and I hadn’t seen one. Then a friend that lives in Hyattsville brought one over in a water bottle so I could see one up close and personal. The red eyes creep me out, but they are kind of cute. I’ve seen a few near Route 1 and Cypress Street (near Best Buy and Safeway), but none near my house. I think the birds know where they are though because every night I come home from work there are dozens of wings and heads on my sidewalk, walkway and front step. I haven’t heard them yet, but if they are in Beltsville like some of the posts say, I’m sure I’ll be able to hear them in the distance once they start their mating call. Ayanna, Laurel, MD

Cicada Shells spotted at Miami University grounds

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Crunchy shells underfoot on my way to class…they look just like the photos…haven’t heard or seen any flying during the day however, YET! 🙂 A.M. , Oxford, Ohio

No Cicadas yet 🙂

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Have yet to see or hear any emergence in the area. I wasn’t here in ’87 but it seems like a place that would have them. Its an older fully wooded community. I have several trees that are well over 100 years old. Maybe all of the shade keeps the ground cooler. I’ll be bummed if we don’t have any…. Steve, Cape St Claire, MD (Bay Bridge)

they’re here ….

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
The cicadas started emerging here on May 12, started flying and “humming” on the 17th.Every day the noise gets louder and the shells and newly emeging cicadas litter my garden. The sound could drive me over the edge.I live in a heavily wooded area, and the noise is deafening. Let me just turn my radio up a little louder.. Megan, Sharpsburg, Maryland

Nothing to report

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I’ve been looking but not a one seen in yard or in parks near by. Dave Douglas, Grove City, OH

When are they coming?

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Can anyone say when they will emerge here in North-Central Jersey? Kevin, Morris County, NJ

None Yet

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
If anyone has seen any in Yardley, PA, please give your section and what you see! Sharon, West Acres in Yardley, PA

Whre can I find Cicada’s in Ohio

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I live in Medina, OH 30 miles southwest of Cleveland.
I am looking for the closest spot whre I can find Brood x cicada’s.
Gary Gary, Medina

They’re here, too

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I have hundreds of them around my house. They started coming out within the last few days. We’ve had a lot of storms the last week and I’ve found the poor things hanging backwards from the trees, knocked off by the rain. They don’t appear very smart, and can’t navigate during flight worth a darn, but it has been fun watching them. Sure, they are making a mess in the yard and my dog is barfing them up on the couch, but I guess can handle it every 17 years.

Natalie, Winchester, VA

Think I might have seen my first…

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Looks like there’s a nymph dangling from a leaf just outside the entrance to my office. I just hope I don’t have to clean up the walkway every day to rid my path of shells and carcasses! Dr. Jayson Levine, Cincinnati, OH

Waiting patiently and hoping

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
According to the news reports, the Cicadas have been seen in the Scranton area and Mountaintop. But none here yet. I’m about 50 miles north and east of Scranton. I’m hoping they will emerge here. I love the Cicada, and their “summer chorus.” We don’t have the common variety up here either, that is why I’m hoping this brood will arrive. The Cicada brings back many good and happy memories of my childhood, down in the countryside a little north of Philadelphia. I really miss them. Sandra Knapp, Lake Como, Northeast Pa.

Haven’t seen one!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I keep waiting for the gross, red-eyed buggers to appear around us since everyone else I know has been infested for a few days now. I’m guessing maybe the northeast suburbs are slower to emerge… hopefully that means we’ll have fewer! Jamie, Loveland, OH

Cicada eater!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I read the article about the yellow wasp that lays eggs in the cicada, but I have seen a BLACK wasp attacking a cicada. It clung onto it and bit off one of the wings, then flew away. It came back and wrestled the cicada off its leaf and subdued it on the ground. It thn proceeded to rip off legs and fly off to eat them, then scissored open the abdomen. When I came back later I saw only a hollow thorax with four legs. I dont theink the wasp laid its eggs in it… ^_^ Luke, Howard County, MD

Coming out in moderate numbers in Valley Forge

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
First couple showed up on 5/15 in the sunniest SE-facing spots here (Valley Forge Mountain.) For the last few days they’ve started to emerge in the shadier areas above the slope and under the trees. Still not in huge numbers, but just walking past the gardens this morning I saw 10 or 15 drying their wings, and many more cases. This is mostly-undisturbed oak forest (last logged >70 years ago I’d guess), so I’d imagine it’s close to ideal habitat. Randell Jesup, Malvern, PA

Still no Cicadas

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Still have not spotted a single cicada. The rains over this past week have probably kept them underground for now. I’m sure that once it gets sunny again, they will be on the move. Mike H., Phoenixville, PA (Valley Forge, PA)

They are all over

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
We are next door to a orcard and they are all over this place. Rebel, Elkton Md

They’re here

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I saw a few in my yard last night for the first time. I am at zip code 19539. Sue, Fredericksville, PA, Berks County

Ode To The Cicada

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Who’s ‘afraida’ a little old Cicada?
We only get to see ’em every 17 years– Kinda makes ya wanna break out in tears!–So fear not when you behold their beady red eyes–For soon enough you’ll come to realize–The insect that tunnels its way through the ground–Just a little while longer will not be found–And if you should almost step on one accidently–Just pick it up nicely and say to it most gently: Oh Cicada, I’m sorry I almost squashed the life from you–And be very glad, for there’s no cicada goo on yer shoe!–The Cicada gets out there and sings its mating song–For it knows deep down it doesn’t have long–You see, the Cicada needs to be findin’ a mate–And it can’t be wastin’ precious time… no, it can’t be late!–So when you hear the Cicadas all ’round you there–Just keep your head down and them outta yer hair–For they will clumsily flutter into your path–How many of ’em you see?–You do the math! I’ve heard it said that they’re fine for cookin’–Man, they’re so ugly they’re kinda good lookin’!–But to eat the flesh of this beady red-eyed bug?–I’d rather fry me up a slimy garden slug!–Oh Cicada, Cicada… as you fly though the air–It’s okay, you can alight on me… if you so care–For I won’t be ‘afraida’ a little old Cicada–So see ya ’round next time…
See ya ‘lata’ Cicada! Lauri Clapper, White Post, VA

are we gonna get some of this X

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
hey, i was wondering if anybody knows if the brood will reach Western Long Island? The news around here mentions it, but there doesnt seem to be much action. If someone could leave a message to let us know it would be great, WE want in on some of this action 2! Joe , Nassau County, Long Island NY


Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I am in lower York County Pa right above nicey-niceeysville Md and I have not found a single one!! We are waiting anxiously!! I did find some yesterday in Reistertown Md outside the Boston Market. They were all over the trees and ground but not an insane amount. Vicki, GLEN ROCK YORK COUNTY PA

Cicada free

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Not a one here. Not that I’ve seen, at least. I lived in PA 17 years ago and remember them well. Tony, Raleigh, NC

Brood X in da house

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Well, not really ‘in da house’, at least not yet. Hasn’t stopped my 4-year old from wanting to bring in some of his ‘buddies’ as he calls them. His daycare in Delhi is inundated with them, all over the parking lot, their playground area, etc. The birds are getting confused as they don’t know which one to chase next, they are a bit overwhelmed (and probably full). I bought a Cicadanator just for kicks. beer_advocate, Cincinnati, OH

Heard them but yet to see them…

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I’ve heard them but I have yet to see them.. Actually yes I saw one flying arounf buts that it. When are the cicadas going to take full effect?! I am waiting and keep going outside to see whther there all around or not haha! Please let me know if there are any sightings around cause I am right by the Somerset border so we should get some here! Jason, Union County, NJ

first cicada

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I saw the first blimpy, bumbling cicada yesterday evening but the surround woods resound with their noise. marianne, ashland, va

im still waiting………

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
hello, has anyone from the lancaster county area spotted any cicadas yet? im anxiously waiting to catch one! im in the city so maybe i need to get out to the county? thanks…. fasteddie, lancaster pa

Cicadas have taken over my yard!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I noticed a bunch over last weekend clinging to grass and the house,but now they have absolutely covered the ground and trees in my yard.Oddly enough i haven’t seen many in the front of the house but the backyard is covered.They’ve been emerging from their shells over the past few days but not much noise yet.The sheer number of them is amazing and i guess i still have the noise and smell to look forward to. Mike, Newark,DE

hatching on the rivers edge

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
i heard one on monday may 17th and then several today the 19th. i live on the Detroit river across from Belle Isle.

kevin rasmussen, detroit, mi,

Why Are People Happy About Cicadas?

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I can’t believe some of the posts here. How can anyone be excited about seeing something so ugly? All cicadas do is make noise, fly around and make our lives miserable until they mate and perish.

The cicadas i have seen in reston have been dead.

However every morning you can hear the loud roar.

I will be glad when this is over. joe, reston, va

No cicadas yet

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I have not seen any cicadas yet. I have heard them since Monday and they are getting louder. Maybe they will skip my area. One can only hope. Debbie, Severna Park MD

Any Delaware sightings yet?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I was hoping we’d get them here, though we’re just on the border of the area indicated by the maps. Has anyone heard of any sightings in lower Delaware? When is the last date we can expect them — as in, if we don’t have them by that day we’re not going to get them? Leslie, Sussex County, DE


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
They are starting to appear, i have them all over my barn. Tate, white hall,md(harford county)

None yet….

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
So far I haven’t seen any here in Corvette City. My apartment complex is pretty new, though, so I’m guessing that moving all the dirt around probably got rid of brood X in this area… I don’t hear any outside yet. I’m moving back home to eastern KY this weekend. We’ll see if there’s any more over there. Haven’t heard anything from my dad about them yet. I remember Brood XIV from 1991. They were really thick then. Ty Martin, Bowling Green, KY

Here But Not Hear

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Here in East Tennessee we seem to have a rather spotty emergence going on. Some areas, esp. in parts of Knoxville, are seeing the predicted hordes, and hearing the din. However, at my location, there is little to get excited about yet. I went out driving today, and found a somewhat sparse chorous about 2 miles to my east, at Haw Ridge. I am told that slightly further east (Powel), things are buzzing. I have my fingers crossed, but am afraid there may be no calls of “Pharrrroooo” in my neighborhood. John DeMelas, Oak Ridge, TN


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Does anyone know whether or not the Cicadas are native to Brown County? I am looking forward to seeing them in my own home town, but I am not sure as to whether they are even in this particular area. Any help with this question would be appreciated! Darrin, Brown County, Oh

ground zero?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
ann arbor, ground zero? wow. i’m near there. havent seen anything. maybe more south, towards the ohio border there are some? minda, detroit ‘burb, michigan

cicadas 10 miles south of here, but not here….yet

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
my mom lives 10 miles south of here and has had cicadas for about 5 days. We have some park areas nearby loaded with oaks and maples and no cicadas yet. Could that be because we’ve had more rain recenlty? Do you think our cicadas will be sounding out soon?
Joanne Joanne, Bel Air, Md

cicadas in New York

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
starting to see cicadas in Warick New York Ken, Warwick, New York


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004

for Debbie in Seattle

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Hi! There’s a TV station in Philadelphia (WPVI) that broadcast a cicada story from Princeton, NJ last night at 5 PM. The cicadas were everywhere and singing quite loudly (very cool)! I know they have a website, but don’t know if there are video archives of stories. Check it out and see what you get. Good luck! Priscilla, Smithville, NJ


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I have seen tons of Cicada’s where I work in Fairfax. Just this morning one was sitting next to me on the front steps of my office building. But I haven’t seen any out by my house in Leesburg. This worries me, does this mean they will come in droves?
I better be ready for them to make an appreance soon! Anne, Leesburg, VA

Any one in NYC see then yet?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Has anyone in New York City, especially Brooklyn, seen any Cicada’s yet?
Just wondering. I hope we’ll get them here. Allison, Brooklyn, NY

Memorial Day Weekend in Darien, CT

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
My daughter’s getting married outdoors on May 30 in Darien, CT. Are we likely to be cicadaless? Craig Miller, Milwaukee, WI

Memorial Day Weekend in Darien, CT

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
My daughter’s getting married outdoors on May 30 in Darien, CT. Are we likely to be cicadaless? Craig Miller, Milwaukee, WI

they’re coming!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I went and walked the dog this morning and there are hundreds of chimney holes under the trees! Haven’t seen any cicadas yet but I’m gonna go looking tonight. Should see them any day now. Kyle, North Wales, PA


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
This is great. each day my apartment has more and more. still metamorphasizing at dusk. at night the sidewalks look like its moving BECAUSEe soooo many mymphs crawling. this is unreal. i was a skeptic at first the the scientists were right cincinnati does have all 5 billion of 3 species of brood x this year. go bengals!, go REDS, Go BROOD X CICADAS!(SMILE) misscube, cincinnati ohio(pleasant ridge)

those things are everywhere

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
where do they go after the emerge? we seen 100 crawling to the trees hae not seen any flying yet tho bobbie saylor, cincinnati(landen) deerfeild township

only one lonely cicada…….

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I saw my first cicada yesterday morning. I found the shell clinging near my back door, and then looked up to find the culprit who came out of the shell. I see reports that they are out in Howard Co, but I have not seen anything except this one. When will the madness begin? I hope not during my party Memorial Day weekend! Kim, Glenelg, MD

cicads crawling everywhere!!!!!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
im a 31 year old mother of one..yesterday me and my son was sitting outside moms and i knew the bugs was coming and all so we had just got talking about the bugs when we looked on some flowers and saw the shells i was some exited but it gave me the chills… well later on that night my moms whole entire block was outside and we came out with flashlights and i mean everywhere they was coming out of the ground all over the pace .. me i was creeped out because its been since i was 13 or so since i remember them and i never remembered this,..,. but they was everywhere crawling to find there ways to the branches it was like ants back to back going up the tree like 20 at a time and they was everywhere………… bobbie, maineville ohio (cincinnati}

Update From North Springfield, Virginia

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I first reported back on 9 May. My yard is now a virtual blanket of Cicadas and their shells are covering everything (walls, trees, brooms,rakes, shoes). I swept up a 2-foot wide pile the other day, only to awake the following morning to have the patio covered again. Their mating call is now at a low roar. Their novelty has worn off, and I’m OVER THEM. Angie, North Springfield, Virginia

None here

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
We were camping in Elizabethtown this past weekend and the cicadas were emerging everywhere. Me grandchildren got to see one actually emerge from the shell and ‘evolve’. But, here in Spring Grove near Hanover, PA we haven’t seen a one, and our property is completed wooded. Helen, Spring Grove, PA

People, if you don’t get them – consider yourselves lucky

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Now – it is not a joke. We are seeing adult cicadas here in Fairfax for only about 8-9 days. And already I can’t open windows in my house. Because the whole neighborhood stinks of week-old meat leftovers thrown outside to rot in the middle of the summer. How cool is that? And what it’s going to be like in 3-4 weeks, when they start dropping dead by thousands? I read somewhere that they have “a peculiar smell” when dead – it is a humongous understatement, trust me – they STINK. You all can be very happy about watching them out of shells, and flying around and about. But I doubt it very much you’ll be enjoying this divine fragrance. Elena, Fairfax. VA

Will we be effected

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I was wondering if anyone know how we will be effect in Florida. I have yet to see one. Becci, Port St Lucie, FL

Cicadas have hatched

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
During the morning of May 17, 2004, thousands of cicadas emerged in our yard, 17 miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. Thousands of cicadas were hanging on hostas, trees, bushes and flowers and their shells were left behind today. My wife reported that she could not see the green on the leaves of our 15 hostas because of the number of cicadas. Mark Koogler, Dublin, Ohio

disgusting cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
They are really bad around here. You see them on all the trees and tires.At night they are coming out and you can here a crunching noise.They are sooo gross. Michelle, Camp Springs, MD

first sighting

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
First sighting of the cicadas in Fallston, in the woods behind Fallston High School. I’m so excited, I’ll probably eat some! Yummy! Brian, Fallston, Maryland

It’s raining cicads in KY

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Cicadas are EVERYWHERE! They emerged last week and have since multipled by the hundreds. The just love my apartment, I can’t even get into teh place without getting frisked by a few of them. I have recently decided to move. If only I could get out of the house….. Lauren F, Louisville, Highlands

When Are They Coming To Long Island?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I haven’t seen one yet. Kathy, Long Island, New York

It’s raining cicads in KY

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Cicadas are EVERYWHERE! They emerged last week and have since multipled by the hundreds. Strange thing is they seem to be mostly around my apartment. Lauren F, Louisville KY

No Bugs Here Yet!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Have not seen anything yet! Does anyone have an idea when they may emerge in North Carolina?

I lived thru them in ’79 with two screaming toddlers – now my older girls are still dreading them! Lisa Reinhardt, Charlotte, NC

Brood X Emergence Current Status

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
As reported in earlier messages, the emergence in the DC suburbs of Northern Virginia began a week ago last Monday night (May 10-11). It reached a peak at the beginning of the weekend and yesterday morning (Tuesday morning) I was still seeing a few nymphs crawling along the grass heading for the trees. This morning, for the first time, I saw none, but did not look carefully. At any rate, it appears the emergence has more or less run its course. There is now a steady “flying saucer” din throughout the area, particularly loud in them morning, less so in the evening. This morning, also, for the first time, I saw significant numbers flying about. Up until now they appear to have mainly been roosting in the trees. Now they are on the move. jmgradon, McLean, VA


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
hey all i was wondering if anyone has seen them near Corbin I have some scouts that would love to see them i sure wish they would show up in my yard . Linda , Corbin Ky

Cicadas in Indianapolis

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Monday I found two exoskeletons. Today I found over 25 exoskeletons and a lot of wings!!! Do birds dislike cicada wings? I still haven’t seen a live cicada, though.

I was told that in 1987, Indianapolis wasn’t hit as hard as other, more southern places. Does that mean that we won’t get hit hard this year? The temperatures have been in the 80’s for weeks now, so the climate should be favorable. Lori, Fishers, IN

They have finally emerged here!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Last night’s rain must have done something to speed them up, because until this morning, there were very few in this area & no singing to be heard. I walked outside this morning & there were literally thousands of their shells stuck to my house & the 2 large trees in my front yard…Many still emerging. It was kind of interesting to catch one of the nymphs & watch it emerge & harden it’s shell.
My 3 year old daughter likes watching them, but is terrified of touching them!
Staci, Beltsville, MD

Still nothing here…

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
It’s been exceptionally cool and rainy, especially cool at night–probably delaying them. I hear we are supposed to be Ground Zero… Carol Shepherd, Ann Arbor, MI


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I have only seen one, flying round. I’m on pins and needles waiting – or maybe they’re not coming to Herndon!! dede, Herndon, VA

First Sighting This Morning!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Today was the first day that I have seen the cicadas on our property. I have only seen about 20-50 per tree, though I think the birds are eating them. We use about 40 lbs. of bird seed every two weeks, but we have not had to fill the feeders for the past two days! Maybe there will be more tomorrow. Kristen Miles, Martinsville, IN


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
They are here, everywhere in my wooded yard. I had seen the holes a month ago so knew they were coming as we had them 17 years ago, also at the same location. Today they are all over my peonies, azaleas, side of my house and elsewhere. Ugh! They can’t leave soon enough! I remember 17 years ago, the awful deafening noise they made. Jan, Solebury, PA

Lots Of Shells But No Cicadas?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
In the grass around a large tree, there are hundreds of cicada shells but there is no evidence of the adults. Haven’t seen or heard one of them yet. Not really sure where they are? Hope to see them soon! KJ, Wilmington, DE

Under Siege

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Thousands of them. Everywhere. Wonderful and amazing to watch. I highly recommend early morning forays to watch them in every state of metamorphasis to fully appreciate them. They started emerging here on Saturday (5/15), and despite their vast numbers, I’ve yet to hear their song. Anxiously awaiting… Deborah, Stewartstown, PA

found set of cicada wings

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I found a half of a set of wings 2 days ago. I know they were cicada wings because I matched them up with a specimen from the 1991 hatch.I’ve been looking for them everywhere but none found. stimely, central pa

Double ugh

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
In response to Sally from the same area, I was glad to hear that I am not the only one creaped out by the thousands, maybe millions of cicadas in our yard. We have seveal very old trees in our yard and neighborhood, and the bugs are everywhere. We have to sweep them off with a broom several times a day from our porches and garage door opening. They also seem to like the tires on our cars as they attach themselves there too. I do appreciate nature, but this is a bit rediculous. I am definately feeling “invaded!” Heather, Louisville, KY(highlands)

Brood X

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
What’s controlling them from being hee sooner?

What’s Brood X been doing all these years?

How many Brood X’ers will be “invading” ? Kimyatha White, Eastpoint, Georgia

Spotted our first one!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
How exciting…I found the first one in our driveway this morning! I Picked it up to look at it more closely…fascinating! Love their bulging red eyeballs!! We live in a heavily wooded lot so will check out back to see if more have arrived.

My husband saw what must have been several hundred cicadas crawling up the side of a building in downtown Madison, Indiana yesterday.

How fun!! Cheryl VanDaalen, Louisville, KY


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I live in southern Blair County, PA. The Cicada have begun to emerge here on the night of the 17th. John, Roaring Spring, PA


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
We saw several cicadas emerge from the ground last night after a hard rain. There were a few empty casings attached to tree limbs in the same area. Kristen H., Dublin, OH

Milford, NJ

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Today I took a drive to Milford, NJ after reading a post on here. Well they are definatly out there. Saw hundreds of shells and heard a few calling. Also caught 1 adult male cicada. And took lots of pictures. I just hope they emerge here in Scranton very soon. Rick, Scranton, PA

Our first sighting of the cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
My husband and I had our first sighting of the cicadas this morning(1am)it’s our first time with this type of cicada.
He’s from TX and I’m from WA state. We’ve lived in Bloomington for almost 2 yrs. now. I thought I’d be really grossed out by them(with all the internet pics I’ve seen)but I’ve found I’m more intrigued with watching them shed their shell and head for high ground to dry out. Hmmmm….wonder how I’ll feel in a couple of days when they start their singing……… Marci Smith, Bloomington, IN

Ed’s cicada pics

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Edward, your pics are *fantastic*…so clear….I am still hoping to catch a news story on them or at least here them in the background of a news report from the east coast….I’m enjoying reading the mixed reactions posted here….they’re really okay…they won’t hurt you if they land on you although the first time one does it will give you a fright. I was 16 in 1970 and remember hearing this loud chirp right in my ear and having one in my shoulder…got really spooked but after that, I was fascinated with them. I keep imagining that I’m hearing them out here. Debbie, Seattle, WA

Nothing yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I have yet to see anything in my area but I am hoping that with first sighting taking place in Louisville, KY and Bloomington,IN that we are still a few days away as we are a little farther north.

Anyone seen our guest yet in the Indy area? Kenny, Indianapolis

Cicada sitings

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live on the western side of Annapolis (away from the Bay). Last night and tonight the cicada’s have begun to emerge. I haven’t seen a lot of adults, but I think that will change soon. I work in Bowie, MD and you can hear them all day all around the City. David, Annapolis, MD

Picture of Cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
5/18/04 -I just caught this one on my patio. How can I send a picture to get the brood identified. John Lottinger, Houma, Louisiana

first cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Saw my first member of brood X tonight- It came buzzing right at me….but only one. He must have been the scout. CW, Pennington, NJ

They’re here!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
My son and his scout troop found the dried shells everywhere on our walk tonight. I grew up around brood V in sw PA, and these shells looked small to me. I’m curious to see how brood X will compare! LMB, Denver, PA

They’re Finally Here!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
First sighting this morning, maybe a couple 100 or so in my yard, just coming out of their shells. This afternoon when I got home from work, they were all gone! I guess the birds, etc. got to them. I later went to a cemetery a half mile from my house, there were quite a few live ones there still. None of them fly or sing yet though, I guess that comes after they molt again. David Kirk, Brokkville, IN

Here they come! Watch Out!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Loads of them today coming out in Crofton Park. We shall see how many there are tomorrow. Kevin Stratton, Crofton, MD

None in Pasadena yet, but hoping

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Haven’t seen any in Pasadena where I live, but they are everywhere in Howard County where I work they are wonderful and the sound is incredible Meg, Pasadena Md

First Cicadas

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Found our first Cicada shell today in our yard along with a dozen or so holes in our mulch bed! Lisa, Deerfield Township, Ohio (Mason area)

No sighting yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
There is nothing here but the dogs have been going crazy digging for a couple of days. Do they hear them coming? Lyn, Tobyhanna, PA

Finally they arrive today.

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
We had our first sightings today. Because we have no direct trees in our yard, we had no nympy holes, but today there are adults flying everywhere. From next door to across the street. My baby is 18mo old, I’m taking pictures and putting in a keep sake box to see when he’s 18 years old. Its kinda neat to see him run after the little critters. He is not afrain one bit. Isaiah’s mom, Evanston, Cincinnati Ohio

Hoping this is a good sign…..

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I am reading many messages of cicadas emerging in other states and some in NJ, but I have still not seen any – and I have been looking. I know this is all very exciting, but I am hoping that the fact that I have not seen any yet is a good sign that they won’t be coming out around here. I remember them from a few years ago when I lived in Edison and I remember how much I hated going outside. If you are from this area and have seen any, please let me know…….I’ll need to start planning indoor activities. Debbie, Middlesex, NJ

Nothing Here Yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Can’t see any evidence here yet. This is a new development, but wetlands have been undisturbed. Will check my parents house in Birmingham. I remember finding empty shells there years ago…. Sue, Novi, Michigan


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
They are all. Over. The. Place.
I was walking the dog last night and made the mistake of looking down… only to see the sidewalk CRAWLING with them. And they are all over our back deck and yard– clinging to fence posts, hanging on to the rails on the steps, there was even one attached to out stone house by the front door this morning. And the noise? Deafening. Reading other people’s messages about having them fly into their shirts or hair has just about completely freaked me out. I may not leave the house till July. Who needs a job, anyway? Sally, Louisville, KY (Highlands)

Coastal Cicadas?

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live very close to the coast, and I am wondering if cicadas are indigenous to coastal areas of NJ. If not, I’d like to hear of any sightings in inland Atlantic County. Thanks. Priscilla, Smithville, NJ

Out in force in Towson, Md.

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
The li’l buggers started coming out over the weekend and are now all over the place in wooded areas. Today is the first day they’ve really been making noise. One even hitched a ride into my apt. with the plumber. He was promptly evicted, in a firm but gentle manner. The cicada, I mean. greg, Towson, Md.

My Bullfrog’s Gonna Explode!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
The cicadas have been out for a week now. I have a fish pond in my back yard. My frog has been sitting on the edge of the pond every day and he’s been gorging himself. Ellen, Falls Church, Virginia

saw one

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
saw the first one today Trey, Chambersburg PA

ED: Please only submit cicada sightings. If you have a question — email us instead.

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Ed, that’s why we have this note on the “Add your sighting page”: “Please only submit cicada sightings. If you have a question — email us instead.” admin, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Any Emergences in GA Yet? PLEASE NO!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Has anyone seen (HEARD) emergence near me? Went thru 2 years in a row in NC during late ’90s; don’t want a repeat. Thanks. CV Roberts, Martin, GA, Franklin Co., USA

Any answer

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I think the site admin should talk to some expert to visit the message board and answer questions. I see a lot of questions but no answer. Ed, Ga

Thousands and Thousands!!!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
It all started about 3 weeks ago with the mud chimneys, but this week they are everywhere. Probably 10 thousand or so. They seems to like lily of the valley, butterfly bushes, and tiger lillies before they climb the trees. The shells are about 3 or 4 thick on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karen, Randallstown, MD

None Here Yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
We have not seen any cicadas here yet. Saw some shells a week ago, but no noise, no bugs. Maybe the storm we had in the fall (all the flooding and salt water) jolted their rebirth! One can hope! John F, Annapolis MD

They just keep coming!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Rates of emergence here have increased at an almost exponential rate since last Tuesday, except for Saturday (15th) when we had unusually cold weather. They are particularly heavy on dogwood, red maple and pin oak. Heavy chorusing began yesterday morning; today it woke me up. I *am not* the Bloomingtonian who ended up in the hospital … although I finally try several tempura battered tenerals Thursday night. Very tasty, but I prefer watching them and listening.
INCREDIBLE NUMBERS!!! Keith, Bloomington, IN

we’ve seen our first

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
we found our first cicada this afternoon – our chicken thought it was a yummie treat! i didn’t think they’d be emerging this far north yet. joanne, tyrone, pa

my cicada emergence picts

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
some of the night photos I think are pretty cool. Edward Delaplaine, Highland, Maryland (howard county)

Hills are Alive with the sound of CICADA’S

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Since May 13th the cicada’s have been breaking through the ground, hustling up the trees and emerging from their shells. There are millions! Each day the mating calls get louder and louder – it is incredible! The only time they quiet down other than at night is when it rains.
We had a “cicada party” on Friday night where all the bug geeks in the neighborhood hung out and watched them climb, emerge and hang.
One question though, when will they stop coming out of the ground??? Theresa Lock, Harpers Ferry, WV, Jefferson County

Is this Normal???

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Well our little friends came out in a swarm the other night and I thought it was pretty cool, but now they seem to be following me everywhere I go….oh No why are they coming at me….they are attacking!!!! Call the national guard!!! They are eating my brain and spine!!! Helllppp!!! Jim S., Woodbridge, NJ

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