Megatibicen resh, aka the Resh Cicada. Photos are from the summer of 2018, Dallas, Texas. Photos by me (Dan Mozgai). Read about Megatibicen resh aka the Resh Cicada.
Click/tap the image for a larger version:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Megatibicen resh, Megatibicen auletes and Neotibicen tibicen exuvia (skins, shells, molts) compared