Brood XIV Eye Color Roy Troutman

More totally awesome marble-eyed cicada photos

Roy Troutman has obtained another marble-eyed 17 year cicada found by Mike & Reed Finfrock of West Chester, Ohio.

Grey Red Marble Eyed Magicicada

Grey Red Marble Eyed Magicicada

White eyes are unique, maybe one in 100,000, but these marble eyed cicadas seem to be even more rare. They look like the red was torn away, revealing the gray below (like something you would see on a blinged out Honda Civic or an 80’s metal guitar).

2 replies on “More totally awesome marble-eyed cicada photos”

I found a sicada and the body is white and blue and i am wondering if i should just let it be or take it somewhere or what…

I have cought and is still alive an all white eyed Cicada. I herd that there was someone who was doing a study on the white eyed cicada but I do not know who? I am in Brown county Ohio. If you have any info let me know.

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