Neotibicen Tibicen

Mystery Cicada 2 is a Neotibicen dorsatus

Mystery 2 Bill from Lincoln, Nebraska sent us this awesome photo of a cicada. I’ve never seen a cicada quite like this one. It’s as pretty as a butterfly. My guess is it belongs to the genus Diceroprocta, but I don’t know what species it is. Anyone know? If so, leave your guess in the comments section below.

Tim McNary wrote:

The cicada you pictured is either Tibicen dealbatus or Tibicen dorsatus. It’s kind of hard to tell from a picture. If you found it in trees in town, it is probably T. dealbatus. If you found in grassy sandhills and the pronotum in swollen in profile it is probably T. dorsatus. The characture that Davis uses, the shape of the uncus, is actually unreliable.

David and Gerry said it was a Tibicen dorsatus (formerly T. dorsata).

6 replies on “Mystery Cicada 2 is a Neotibicen dorsatus”

I travel frequently to Kansas City on business and I always stay at the Airport
Marriott. The hotel grounds are spacious, including a large “lake” and an outdoor
track that meanders through stands of oak trees if memory serves me correctly. This
August as in past years, the trees were filled with what must be these same, annual
cicadas. Their song is nothing like the annual cicadas here in New Jersey which
have a definite beginning and end to them; like an old car trying to start, getting louder
and louder and then finally giving up. These cicadas in southern Missouri keep
a lazy, steady buzz going with perhaps a long wavelength of variableness in the song.
And they all seem to “sing” at once. When you approach them on a tree, they get spooked.

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