Books Brood XIII Brood XIX Magicicada Periodical

New Brood XIX and XIII Cicada Book by Dr. Gene Kritsky

Cicada researcher and communicator Dr. Gene Kritsky has a new book about Brood XIX and XIII which are both emerging in the spring of 2024: A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX. It is available in paperback and Kindle formats.

A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX

Other posts about Dr. Gene Kritsky on this site:

  1. An Interview with Gene Kritsky
  2. Gene Kritsky’s new cicada site and Brood XIV news
  3. Periodical Cicadas: The Brood X Edition by Gene Kritsky
  4. Gene’s App: Cicada Safari app for tracking Magicicada periodical cicadas

3 replies on “New Brood XIX and XIII Cicada Book by Dr. Gene Kritsky”

I’m in the northern Chicago ‘burbs and the cicadas started emerging around 3-4 nights ago. One thing i’ve noticed (and i’m not the only one) is there are a lot of dead cicadas… I’ve been finding a fair amount of insects with deformed wings (they didn’t ‘inflate’ properly), dead grubs where they didn’t even make it out of their exoskeleton, and a fair number appeared to have died because they only partially made it out of their exoskeletons…. I also found a few adults that seemed lethargic…almost dead. Im’m wondering if our cool/cold nights might have something to do with it? Nighttime temps in my neck of the woods were in the 50’s a few days ago…

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