Australia David Emery Macrotristria

Ozzie Cicadas: Cherry Nose cicada

Here is an Cherry Nose cicada (Macrotristria angularis) photo taken by David Emery. The Cherry Nose is also know as the Whiskey Drinker.

Cherry Nose cicada (Macrotristria angularis)

The Cherry Nose cicada can be found in Eastern Queensland, NSW, and a small part of South Australia, and is most common during November & December (Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990, p. 95.).

4 replies on “Ozzie Cicadas: Cherry Nose cicada”

Found a just hatched cherry nose on my property just outside Paterson in the Hunter valley this morning. A first sighting for me.

Walking the dogs this morning in bushland (Griffith University Reserve, Salisbury) I was delighted to find the fresh immaculate ”carcass” of a large mature Cherry Nose Cicada (female). The name I found on Cicadamania. It’s now almost mid-January which is towards the end of a life-cycle for these cicadas – do they simple just stop i.e. die? I don’t know the ”mechanics” of natural insect death. Can someone explain, please!

Hi Tim,
These large species are all found along the east coast of Australia to various degrees. They vary in numbers from year to year, but this season from early October around Sydney has been excellent for all but Cherrynose so far. Greengrocers are almost everywhere with different morphs at higher altitudes, while Cherrynose, Double Drummers and Red-eyes are forest inhabitants. The white drummers are found right on the coastal verge in banksias especially: females of Arunta spp often oviposit eggs on small trees or shrubs on sandhills (which is often a surprise when you’re getting ready for a quick surf!). There around 3-4 other smaller species which accompany you on the beach as well.

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