
Santa Cicada!

Santa Cicada, originally uploaded by weirdbuglady.

I spotted this on Flickr tonight. Just in time for the holiday season.


Australian Cicada Mania!

Australia should be knee deep in cicadas by now. Here’s a list of Australian cicada posts on the site.

  1. Bottle cicada
  2. Diemeniana euronotiana
  3. Orange Drummers
  4. More Orange Drummers
  5. Emerging Thopha
  6. Australian cicada information
  7. Masked Devil cicada
  8. White Drummer cicada
  9. Redeye cicada
  10. Cherry Nose cicada
  11. Blue Moon cicada
  12. Double Drummers and Green Grocers
  13. More Double Drumers and a yellow-green Green Grocer
  14. Another Green Grocer
  15. List of names of the cicadas of Australia
  16. Floury Baker
  17. A Green Grocer emerging
Toys and Amusements

Semi-Ningen meets Cicada Man

Semi Ningen and Cincinnati Cicada Man

It’s fall in the North East and things are kind of slow. 🙂

Semi Ningen and Cincinnati Cicada Man.


Cicadas of India

If you’re curious as to what cicadas in India look like, check out India Nature Watch, and visit their Cicadidae and Cicada pages. Try a search on their site too to reveal more.

This cicada is particularly pretty.

Update (2012), also visit The Cicadas of India Facebook group.


Cicada Halloween

Cicada army, originally uploaded by selenium2000.

Some folks will find this terrifying.


French cicada site

Someone asked me for photos of cicadas from the south of France; my curiosity peaked, I did a search. Cigales is the French word for cicadas, and sud is the French word for south. I took fives years of French in school; I’ve forgotten a lot of it due to lack of use, but I remember those words. Searching sites written in French using Google I came across: Cigale à Porquerolles, insecte de provence, sur la côte méditerranéenne.

Considering the large number of illustrations, photos and information Cigale à Porquerolles, insecte de provence, sur la côte méditerranéenne is essentially the French Cicada Mania — in fact, it’s better than that. It’s the French Massachusetts Cicadas.

Check the site out. Even if you can’t read French, the photos and illustrations speak for themselves, and you’ll get a chance to see what cicadas look like in France.

Pop Culture

And these are cicada bottles

bottle_cicada_dtl, originally uploaded by BreadnBadger.
Australia Chlorocysta

Bottle Cicada

Profile of a Cicada, originally uploaded by Peppergroyne.

This is a Bottle Cicada from Australia.

Costa Rica

Colorful Cicada from Costa Rica

Cicada, originally uploaded by

Check you this blue cicada from Costa Rica! I think that’s where I’m going for my next vacation.

Japan Toys and Amusements


Meet Semi-Ningen, star of the Japanese monster movie Ultra Q Episode 16 “The Revenge of Garamon”. He’s part Cicada, part human, and all scary.

Shake on it?, originally uploaded by RedYoda.

Semi Ningen (Cicada-Human) is dispatched to earth, disguised as a human man, by his evil alien Cicada brethren and tasked with controlling (2) Garamon to create all kinds of general havoc in Tokyo.
