Thanks to Metafilter, Mirth, Musings, & More and Site of the Day for an unexpected burst of visitors. Normally the site is sleeping at this time of year.
Jim Kost’s Cicada Photo
Here’s a cicada photo from Jim Kost. I like the black stipe on the beak.
Todd Quinn send us some superb Neoibicen photos. Click the photos below to see huge versions.

This photo is incredible. Check out the detail on the eyes!
Magicicada Curveball
I bet you thought I was going to post another Tibicen photo! Here’s a Magicicada photo Ryan Anderson took during the 2002 brood XXIII emergence in Kentucky.
Now is a good a time as any to point out the difference between Magicicadas and Tibicens:
- Emerge in en masse in groups called broods
- There are 15 different broods. Broods emerge every 13 or 17 years depending on the brood. No broods emerged in 2006.
- Magicicadas have red eyes, black bodies and orange legs and wings
- Other names for Magicicadas: periodical cicadas, “locusts”, 17-year cicadas, 13-year cicadas
- Emerge in limited numbers, and not in broods
- Emerge every year
- Tibicens are typically larger than Magicicadas. Tibicens are usually a combination of green, black, or brown.
- Other names for Tibicens: Harvest Flies, annual cicadas, Dog-Day cicadas
Indiana Tibicen
Catherine M from sent us these photos of a Neotibicen entering the adulthood.
Michigan Tibicens
Patrick Farr sent us this cool picture of two adult cicadas climbing on his hand. They’re Tibicens, but I’m not sure of the species.
Gerry Bunker said in the comments that this is likely a T. canicularis.
New Jersey Cicada
Marsha M. sent us this photo of a Neotibicen tibicen (T. chloromerus, T. chloromera) from New Jersey! Read more about it on her blog.
Edward Austin sent us this photo of a Tibicen from Fulton County Ohio. If someone knows the species, please post it in the comments.
Carol W. took this wonderful photo of a Tibicen (it is a Tibicen linnei) in Lexington KY on the 4th of July (took me 81 days to post it).
Did I post this already?
Here’s a wonderful series of cicada photos from Pierre Guilhaumon titled La cigale déploie ses ailes.