Magicicada Periodical Stragglers

More Straggler Reports! Maryland and New Jersey

So far today we’ve had a report from Baltimore MD, and Pohatcong Twp. NJ (see the message board). Stay tuned…

Magicicada Periodical Stragglers

Straggler found in Bethesda Maryland

We’ve had a report of a straggler found in Bethesda Maryland.

Details are developing…

If you find a straggler, take a photo. Better yet, take a photo of the cicada next to today’s paper so we can have a record of the date.

Magicicada Periodical Stragglers

Straggler sighting in Cherry Grove, OH

We’ve had a straggler Magicicada sighting in Cherry Grove, OH!

More details to follow…


The cicadas are back! (sort of… )

Washington Memories from the Washington Examiner:

Ah, the memories … It was around this time last year when the Washington summer air was full of love, full of life, full of … cicadas. Well, the cicadas have gone away, burrowed under the ground for the next 17 years. But fear not, cicada lovers. A similar invasion is just around the corner … summer interns. And they’re akin to cicadas in more ways than one …

Hey folks: there’s still a chance we’ll see stragglers.

Brood X Cicada Mania Magicicada Video

Cicadas (and me) on CNN

Last year around this time I appeared on the Anderson Cooper Show on CNN.

Be warned: I look how a dude who runs a cicada website should look like: 40 pounds overweight and a little scraggly.


Flickr for Cicada Pictures: Update

Happy Monkey has a nice collection of Brood X photos. Thanks to Flying Fur for the link.


Cicada Fossils, part 2

From article in The Journal News:

“We found cicada fossils,” says Norell, who also discovered evidence of ginko trees on his expeditions to China.

Audio, Sounds, Songs Brood X Magicicada

Princeton 2004 Revisited

NJ 2004.Hopefully a few straggler Magicicadas will show up in Princeton this year.

Here’s a selection of links from last years emergence:

Pop Culture

The Cicadas of Winter

Here’s a review for a Japanese Anime titled Human Crossing: the Cicadas of Winter. From the review, it doesn’t seem to have much to do with cicadas, but I’m posting the link anyway.

Arts & Crafts

A Chinese idiom

From Paul Frank’s Language Jottings:

The cicada knows nothing of snow. Said of someone who’s ignorant or inexperienced. There’s also the word huigu, platypleura kaempferi, a kind of bright-colored cicada, and the saying huigu bu zhi chun qiu, the cicada is ignorant of spring or autumn, i.e., limited in experience or vision.