Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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August 23, 2020

Four new species of cicadas in the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group

Filed under: Australia | David Emery | L. W. Popple | Yoyetta — Dan @ 12:44 pm

Four new cicadas described in Australia! Here are the details:

Paper: Four new species of cicadas in the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae) from southeastern Australia

Four new species are added to the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) species group: Y. douglasi sp. nov., Y. enigmatica sp. nov., Y. loftyensis sp. nov., and Y. ngarabal sp. nov. Calling song descriptions and morphological descriptions are provided for each species. An updated key to male specimens is also provided for the species group.

Author: Lindsay W. Popple; David L. Emery
Year: 2020
Journal: Records of the Australian Museum
Publisher: The Australian Museum
More info on Dr. Popple’s website: Restless Firetail, Mt Lofty Firetail, Glade Firetail, and Grampians Firetail.

August 8, 2020

Cicada wing fan for cicada fans. Pretty cool (cooling)

Filed under: Pop Culture — Dan @ 7:39 am

Check out this cicada wing fan from ood design.

cicada wing fan

July 30, 2020

Southern Culture On The Skids – Cicada Rock 2020 (Brood IX)

Filed under: Brood IX | Music — Dan @ 9:11 pm

Southern Culture On The Skids released a cicada-themed song for 2020: Cicada Rock 2020 (Brood IX). Enjoy!

July 12, 2020

Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France

Filed under: France | Stamps | Tibicina — Dan @ 3:29 pm

Here’s a Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France:

Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France

Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) stamp from France

Bladder cicada trading card

Filed under: Australia | Cystosoma | Pop Culture — Dan @ 3:25 pm

Bladder cicada trading card. Bladder cicadas (Cystosoma saundersii) are found in Australia. Link to Dr. Popple’s website for more info.

Bladder cicada trading card. Bladder cicadas are found in Australia.

Chicago Area Periodical Cicada Emergences in 2020

Filed under: Accelerations | Brood XIII | Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers | U.S.A. — Dan @ 10:04 am

Many periodical cicadas emerged four years early in the Chicago area in 2020. These cicadas belong to the Brood XIII (13) which is set to emerge in 2024, and last emerged in 2007. Periodical cicadas often emerge in years proceeding or following the year their brood is expected to emerge. This phenomenon is called straggling. Most of the time these “stragglers” emerge in small numbers and are quickly eaten by predators, and do not go on to sing, chorus (synchronized singing for the purpose of attracting females), mate, and lay eggs. Sometimes they emerge in numbers large enough to survive, chorus, and reproduce — this seems to have happened in the Chicago area in 2020. It is thought this is how new broods formed over the millennia — cicadas emerge 4 or 1 year early in significant numbers and form a new brood. When enough stragglers emerge to successfully reproduce it is called an acceleration.

So, is a new brood forming around Chicago? Is this due to climate change or localized “heat islands”? Will the progeny of these stragglers emerge in 13, 17 or 21 years? Lots of questions — but we’ll need to wait quite some time to answer them.

There is a precedence for Brood XIII cicadas straggling in the Chicago area:

In 1969 massive numbers of periodical cicadas emerged in the Chicago suburbs 1 (Williams, K.S. & Simon, C. 1995).

In 1986, another 4-year acceleration was observed in the Chicago area by Monte Lloyd 1.

In 2003, many people left observations on our forums. Observations were made in Glenview, Flossmoor, Riverside, Downers Grove, Homewood, Westmont, Oak Park, and Hinsdale. Here are some examples:

Magicicada emerging this evening

Date: Wednesday, Jun/4/2003

As I went for a walk this evening I noticed quite a few periodic cicadas emerging in the grass, crawling on the sidewalks and on the trunks of trees. This is not our year for the 17-year brood. We should not have them until 2007. Has anyone else in the Chicago area seen these cicadas? — Sue, Flossmoor, IL

Cicada singing

Date: Monday, Jun/9/2003

I heard the cicadas singing for the first time this morning after my walk. Now that I have my doors open I can hear them on and off. — Sue, Flossmoor, IL

In 2020 many people left comments on the Brood XIII page, emailed us (thanks Neil) and left sightings via the Cicada Safari app.

1Williams, K.S. & Simon, C. 1995. The Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution of Periodical Cicadas. Annual Review of Entomology. Vol. 40:269-295 (

July 10, 2020

Cicada-themed Pokemon. Ninjask & Shedinja.

Filed under: Pop Culture — Dan @ 7:50 pm

Here’s some cicada-inspired Pokemon:




Cicada Toys and Collectables

Filed under: Toys and Amusements | Video — Dan @ 7:40 pm

Some videos and images of cicada toys and collectibles. Enjoy.

Playlist of videos of a few of the items on this page and more:

Cicada click toy from Japan. Found in an antique store in Ohio:
Cicada click toy from Japan

A larger cicada click toy. I think I found this one on eBay:
Cicada click toy

Cicada clothes pins. I think Roy Troutman sent me these:
Cicada clothes pins

Cicada noise maker. Crank it and it makes a noise.
Cicada noise maker toy

Cicada face magnet. Found in eBay.
Cicada face magnet

Cicada whistle from Peru. I received this as a gift.
Cicada whistle from Peru

Plus cicada toys from Japan. Found on eBay. The black and green on is a Hyalessa maculaticollis.
Plush cicada toys from Japan

Cicada socks:
Cicada socks

Cicada spinner whistle:
Cicada Spinner Whistle

Carved Bamboo Cicada:
Carved Bamboo Cicada

June 1, 2020

Brood V emerging 4 years late

Filed under: Brood V | Magicicada — Dan @ 10:11 am

Looking at the latest map from Cicada Safari app data, it appears that cicadas from Brood V are emerging 4 years late. 4 year Stragglers! 21-year-old cicadas! Look around Akron, Ohio, eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia.

May 30 map - Now with Brood V

Here’s a link to the Brood V map on Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly

For historical purposes, Here’s C. L. Marlatt’s map from 1914:

Marlatt, C.L.. 1914. The periodical cicada in 1914. United States. Bureau of Entomology. Brood Map for Brood V.
Marlatt, C.L.. 1914. The periodical cicada in 1914. United States. Bureau of Entomology

Magicicada septendecim from Brood IX in Greenbrier County, WV

Filed under: Brood IX | Magicicada — Tags: — Dan @ 8:52 am

Magicicada septendecim cicada from Brood IX in Greenbrier County, WV. Photo by Tony Maro. Thanks Tony!

Tony Maro Greenbrier County WV

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