Cicada Carousel Ride at the Brookfield Zoo, in Brookfield, Illinois. 2007 in celebration of Brood XIII.
A Fidicinoides spinicosta from the collection of Richard Newfrock. Colombia. Misspelling on the label.
Fidicina mannifera
A Fidicina mannifera from the collection of Richard Newfrock. Peru.
Carineta diardi
A pair of Carineta diardi from the collection of Richard Newfrock. From Argentina.
A pair of Neotibicen pruinosus aka Scissor Grinder from the collection of Richard Newfrock.
Three photos of Okanagana canadensis the Canadian Cicada from the collection of Richard Newfrock.
A pair of Zammara smaragdina from the collection of Richard Newfrock.
Magicicada photos from Matt Berger from 2008. This could be Brood XIV (14) or a straggler from Brood X (10). The greater Cincinnati area has Brood X, XIV and XXII.
Osamu Hikino’s Magicicada Photos. I forgot how old these are. 1990’s maybe. Every cicada photo is important to me.
A Magicicada nymph:
A Pair of M. septendecim:
A Pair of M. cassini:
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