Graptopsaltria Oncotympana Osamu Hikino

2 Graptopsaltria nigrofuscatas and 1 Oncotympana maculaticollis

2 Graptopsaltria nigrofuscatas and 1 Oncotympana maculaticollis. Photo by Osamu Hikino. Japan.

2 Graptopsaltria nigrofuscatas and 1 Oncotympana maculaticollis

Cicadini Euterpnosia Japan Osamu Hikino

Euterpnosia chibensis photos by Osamu Hikino

Euterpnosia chibensis photos by Osamu Hikino. Japan.

Euterpnosia chibensis photos by Osamu Hikino. Japan.

Euterpnosia chibensis photos by Osamu Hikino. Japan.

Brood XIX Eye Color Magicicada

White-eyed cicada found by Chris Lowry in Nashville, TN

White-eyed cicada found by Chris Lowry in Nashville, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-eyed cicada found by Chris Lowry in Nashville, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-eyed cicada found by Chris Lowry in Nashville, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

Brood XIX Eye Color Megatibicen

White-eyed cicada found by Nathan Voss of Spring Hill, TN

White-eyed cicada found by Nathan Voss of Spring Hill, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-eyed cicada found by Nathan Voss of Spring Hill, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

Brood XIX Eye Color Magicicada

White-eyed cicada from Paul Stuve found in Columbia, MO

White-eyed cicada from Paul Stuve found in Columbia, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-eyed cicada from Paul Stuve found in Columbia, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

Brood XIX Eye Color Megatibicen

White-eyed Magicicada found by Jack Willey of Nashville, TN

White-eyed Magicicada found by Jack Willey of Nashville, TV. 2011. Brood XIX.

White-eyed Magicicada found by Jack Willey of Nashville TV

White-eyed Magicicada found by Jack Willey of Nashville TV

Brood XIX Eye Color Magicicada

White-Eyed Magicicada found by Phyllis Rice of Poplar Bluff, MO

White-Eyed Magicicada found by Phyllis Rice of Poplar Bluff, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-Eyed Magicicada found by Phyllis Rice of Poplar Bluff, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

Brood XIX Eye Color Magicicada

White-Eyed Magicicada found by Jane and Evan Skinner of Troy, MO

White-Eyed Magicicada found by Jane and Evan Skinner of Troy, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-Eyed Magicicada found by Jane and Evan Skinner of Troy, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

Brood XIX Eye Color Magicicada

White Eyed cicada found by Melissa Ham in Nashville, TN

White Eyed cicada found by Melissa Ham in Nashville TN. Brood XIX. 2011.

White Eyed cicada found by Melissa Ham in Nashville TN

Brood XIX Eye Color Magicicada

White-eyed cicada from Serena Cochrane of Gerald, MO

White-eyed cicada from Serena Cochrane of Gerald, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.

White-eyed cicada from Serena Cochrane of Gerald, MO. Brood XIX. 2011.