White-eyed Magicicada from Meagan Lang of Nashville, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.
White eyed Magicicada from Joey Simmons of Nashville, TN. Brood XIX. 2011.
Brood XIX Magicicada tredecassini photos from North Eastern Arkansas taken by David Green. 2011.
Black-eyed Magicicada by Hester Bass. Brood XIX. 2011.
Megatibicen resh, aka the Resh Cicada. Photos are from the summer of 2018, Dallas, Texas. Photos by me (Dan Mozgai). Read about Megatibicen resh aka the Resh Cicada.
Click/tap the image for a larger version:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Megatibicen resh, Megatibicen auletes and Neotibicen tibicen exuvia (skins, shells, molts) compared
Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photos from Kees Green. Australia. 2013.
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae nymph by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green 02
Jim Thorpe Pennsylvania Magicicada Emergence Gallery.
These images are from 2016, Brood V.
Click/tap the image for a larger version.
Visit Gallery #2 as well.
Jim Thorpe Cicada Ovipositor Scars
Jim Thorpe Magicicada septendecim 1st instar nymph
Jim Thorpe Magicicada septendecim 1st instar nymph
Magicicada septendecim Jim Thorpe abs
Magicicada septendecim Jim Thorpe
Visit Gallery #2 as well.