Brood II David Rothenberg John Cooley Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

People and cicadas – Brood II Magicicada from Metuchen, New Jersey (2013)

People and cicadas – Brood II Magicicada from Metuchen, New Jersey (2013).

These are photos of people and cicadas from Brood II.

My sister and a cicada:
Beauty and the Beast

Can I give you a hand?
Can I give you a hand _Magicicada nymphs in Metuchen NJ_

Artist Asher Jay and a friend collecting cicadas:
Hunting for cicadas in Metuchen

John Cooley being interviewed by the New York Times with musician David Rothenberg in the foreground:
John Cooley being interviewed by the New York Times in Metuchen with David Rothenberg in the foreground

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