Lucky Cicada Key Chain

Return of the Cicada Keychain – almost

Madeline pointed out that Smart Zone Technologies are selling the legendary cicada keychain for $450 for 1000. I’m mildly obsessed with the keychain, but not enough to place an order. Actually I have to pay rent and there’s a new bass guitar that I want instead. 🙂

If any entrepreneurs out there are looking for a cicada item to sell — this is it. And if you do… you own Madeline a small finders fee.


6 replies on “Return of the Cicada Keychain – almost”

I just found one of these keychains going through a box of old stuff. So cool to find this page with other people who remember this awesome toy!!! Mine no longer works but maybe I can fix it

I check online for one of these every now and again but have no luck; had one back in the early 90’s that was ‘confiscated’ from a younger brother. Definitely one of those weird things that is still fondly missed after thirty years of lifetime experience – there really are things that are irreplaceable. Very cool that you were able to find one and restore it to working order. Cheers!

I realize that the response to this post is a bit delayed seeing how the post is over 13 years old. I am extremely interested in getting my hands on one or many more of these delightful key chains. Do you know if the company Smart Zone Technologies that you referred to in this post still exists? If so, do you have any contact information for them? I greatly appreciate any information that you may be able to provide!

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