Brood XIV

Rotten, but not forgotten

As promised, the Magicicada adults are all but gone in most areas. I assume that most that are left are in Long Island or Cape Code.

Compared to last year (Brood XIII), Cicada Mania had 57% fewer unique visitors, which was expected. That said, I had 57% more fun this year, which makes up the difference.

2 replies on “Rotten, but not forgotten”

On July 4, my sister and I went to the Frances Crane wildlife sanctuary on Cape Cod to see what was left of the cicadas.
Instead of the overwhelming din we’d heard 2 weeks before, we heard just a few individuals singing. We saw a few tired-looking adults,
mostly females, mostly congregating on a few small wild cherry trees, which we called cicada retirement homes. The trees all
around, especially the oaks, had incredible numbers of oviposition scars, which we had not seen 2 weeks before. Thousands of
branch tips were dead from oviposition damage, but it looked like the trees would be OK.

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