Neotibicen Photos & Illustrations Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) Tibicen U.S.A.

Nine new Neotibicen tibicen photos

These are photos from 2005. Neotibicen tibicen tibicen aka Swamp or Morning Cicada. Back in 2005 we called them Tibicen chloromera.

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen that failed to successfully molt:
Neotibicen tibicen tibicen that failed to molt

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen spreading its wings (click for larger image):
Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

A series of photos of a Neotibicen tibicen tibicen molting:
Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Molting Neotibicen tibicen tibicen

Neotibicen Tibicen

Tibicen picture of the week

Here’s a fresh picture of a Neotibicen from my backyard:

Tibicen, August 8 2005.