Brood II Magicicada Periodical Video

The Brood II Emergence Has Begun

June 28th Update

At this point if you haven’t had a periodical cicada emerge in your yard/neighborhood/town, you won’t. The best last chance to see them would be in New York State along rte 9G, parts of 9 and 9J. The more northern, the better. I visited that area last weekend, and found some great spots.

Flagging (when leaves turn brown from cicada egg laying) can be seen in New Jersey and states south of there. Probably a little bit of Connecticut and New York as well.

People are noticing sap dripping from the scars left behind from cicada egg laying.

Next up will be the hatching of the eggs.

Don’t forget to report FLAGGING (brown leaves) sightings to Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly so they can add them to their live map. You can report flagging, as well as egg nests, and newly hatched nymphs.

As usual Cicada Mania offers a full line of shirts, glassware, buttons and other souvenirs:

June 17th Update

After visiting central New Jersey and Staten Island over the weekend it’s clear that the emergence in that area is past peak. There is less singing, plenty of ovipositing and some flagging.

Staten Island: Wolfe’s Pond Park and areas along Amboy Road still has enough cicadas to enjoy them, in Staten Island. Bloomingdale Park and High Rock Park are disappointing.

New York State along the Hudson River valley is the place to go to see them at their best. Places like High Falls & Germany Town, and as far north as Stuyvesant.

Rain spoiled a lot of the emergence (for cicada fans). Here is a funny editorial cartoon about the cicadas and frequent rain.

Enjoy some periodical cicada video I uploaded this weekend.

Some new sounds as well.

June 9th Update

We’re at the halfway point.

The 2013 Brood II emergence began somewhere between April, 23rd and May, 1st, in North Carolina and Virginia. Nymphs are still emerging along the Hudson River in NY and in Connecticut.

Here’s a nice gallery of images from Dani Siddle taken in the Malden-on-Hudson area.
Magicicada cassini in Malden on Hudson NY by Dani Siddle 2

Areas in southern states are no doubt in the clean up phase. Adults have stopped singing, and corpses litter the ground, while the eggs of the next generation are nestled in branches high up in trees.

This is what to expect here on out:

They stink — literally, not figuratively. Yeah, their rotting corpses stink, so you want to clean them up. A rake and shovel work. Some people use vacuums, which are effective, but your vacuums might inherit the smell of the cicadas.

The hatch — in about 6-8 weeks the eggs laid in tree branches will hatch and the 1st instar nymphs will fall to the ground (see “THE ECOLOGY, BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION OF PERIODICAL CICADAS” by Kathy S. Williams and Chris Simon). The fall doesn’t hurt them because they have a low terminal velocity. Wear a hat in August. At this point they quickly dig into the soil, and start feeding on roots — small grass roots at first, and larger roots as they get larger. Chances are you won’t even notice them. Sadly, about 98% of them die in the first two years. Just imagine if they all survived — 5000% more cicadas!

The birds will come back — birds and other critters often leave a neighborhood during a cicada emergence. Either they get their fill of eating the cicadas, they can’t hear each other over the over-powering call of the cicadas, or they find it hard to navigate the sky and trees with all the cicadas around. What ever the case, birds and other animals will return to your neighborhood once the cicadas die off. Do not worry.

June 7th Update

Some interesting news stories:

Westfield Residents Learn the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Cicadas

A podcast with David Rothenberg and John Cooley.

An Invasion of 17-Year-Olds, Loud, Lusty and Six-Legged

June 6th Update

It’s been nearly 2 weeks since my last update, but I’ve been busy — traveling around looking and listening for cicadas. I have literally 100s of photos and videos, and information to update the site with. Lots of info to come.

Ladies: check out these cicada-themed finger nails!

Road-tripers: East Coast Cicadas: (Road Side) Attractions They Couldn’t See In 1996.

Status of the emergence:
– Cicadas in North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland should be post-peak. Singing, mating, laying eggs, but mostly dying. New Jersey is at it’s peak — mostly singing, mating and laying eggs. Pensy, Staten Island and the rest of New York have cicadas in all phases, but they should still have some emerging nymphs to check out. If you want to watch nymphs emerging at this point, Connecticut is the place to go.

Locations I’ve visited and heard or saw cicadas:
New Jersey: Metuchen, Edison, Iselin, Colonia, Woodbridge, Westfield, Fanwood, Summit, Scotch Plains, Clark, Watchung…
Staten Island: most parks in southern SI, like Wolfe’s Pong Park (the cicadas survived Sandy) and Bloomingdale Park. Lots along Drumgoole road.

Locations other people reported:
– Meriden, CT

– Berkeley Heights NJ
– Flat Rock Brood Nature Center in NJ
– Lewis Morris Park, Convent Station, Madison and Morris Township in NJ
– Maplewood in Essex County, NJ
– Millburn, NJ (South Mountain Reservation)
– Mountainside, NJ
– Plainfield, NJ
– Upper Montclair, NJ
– West Milford, NJ

– Cornwall-On Hudson, NY
– Red Hook, NY

– Glen Allen, VA
– Manassas Battlefield Park in VA
– Woodbridge VA

See the live map for the lastest 500 locations reported to

Where they’re not (sorry):
– DC (they’re south west of DC).
– Most counties in New Jersey south of Middlesex (with some exceptions).
– Most of Pensy

May 24th Update

Cold days ahead until Tuesday for the Brood II cicadas, at least in the northern states. Temperatures below 57 F/14 C will put the insects into a state of torpor, making them easy prey for critters. The rain and wind doesn’t help either. Read: “Adaptation of the Thermal Responses of Insects” by James E. Heath; James L. Hanegan; Peter J. Wilkin; Maxine Shoemaker Heath.

Some positive news: Cicadas @ UCONN has declared a pocket of Brood II in Georgia. Time to update the brood charts!

May 23rd Update

Oh Hai!

I heard chorusing for the first time in Metuchen, NJ today.

+ Berkeley Heights, NJ (thx Lucinda)
+ Finneytown Ohio (thx Roy) (technically not Brood II)

A video of a cicada undergoing ecdysis (emerging from its nymphal skin (exuvia)), from Rachel in Charlottesville, Va:

A video of The New Jersey Cicada Takeover in Summit NJ from Jason:

Here’s an adult cicada in Westfield NJ:

Update for May 22nd

+ Upper Montclair NJ (thx Eryn)

Today I found a white eyed male Magicicada septendecim in Metuchen NJ. Here is a video. White eyed periodical cicadas are relatively rare.

Update for May 21st

The cicadas are chorusing in Charlottesville VA. Here’s a video of their chorus. (thx Rachel)

According to Henryk J. Behnke of the Staten Island Museum: “Finally, the temperature is right and the first, small groups of hundreds of 17-year cicadas are emerging on Staten Island’s South Shore.”

Jason sent us this YouTube video of teneral (soft, white, newly emerged) adults in Summit NJ:

And this video of adult cicadas:

Update for May 19th

More locations:
Guilford, CT (thx Justin)
Chase City and Farmville, VA (thx Nathan)
Manassas, VA (thx Camillia)
Summit, NJ (see a video of a lone nymph crawling around):

See where cicada researchers Satoshi Kakishima and Jin Yoshimura have located cicadas:

Update for May 18th

Cicadas are starting to emerge throughout New Jersey. Westfield, Iselin and Metuchen are visually confirmed. I will assume that they have started to emerge in Staten Island as well because of the relative proximity of Staten Island and Jersey.

Cicadas have started chorusing in North Garden, VA.

Visual confirmation of the emergence in:
Westfield, NJ
Metuchen, NJ
Iselin, NJ
Fredricksburg, VA
Lake Ridge, VA
Yadkin County, NC

Some new galleries of photos:

Update (5/16):

Jim Reported in with photos of an adult cicada in Westfield NJ! the first NJ sighting I’ve seen.

The emergence in Virginia continues to be strong.

Louisa County VA
Rhoadesville VA (Orange County)
Springfield VA

Update (5/15): Randy from Rhoadsville VA said “Today was 85 and its still 74 at 11PM. WOW! The emergence is incredible. There are nymphs everywhere and in various stages from molting”.

On the Facebook Cicada Mania page, Clarla said “The wooded areas around my house are “boiling” and you can hear the larvae digging their way out. LOTS of molting nymphs all over my entrance”.

Update (5/14): cicadas have emerged in many locations in Virgina, including:

Brentsville, VA
Calvert County, VA
Charlottesville, VA
Doylesville, VA
Kinderhook, VA
Martinsville, VA
Stafford County, VA
Stanardsville, VA

A gallery of Brood II cicadas on Flickr!

Update (5/9): cicadas have emerged in North Carolina, Virgina (see a photo) and Maryland (read a tweet) so far. Nymphs are active in New Jersey according to Magicicada and my sister’s chihuahua:

chihuahua cicada

Update (5/2): cicadas have emerged in Guilford County and Stokes County North Carolina.

May 1st:

Over on the Entomology-Cicadidae cicada group (rip) a gentleman named Tommy Joseph has posted photos of periodical cicadas which have emerged this week in Greensboro, North Carolina This makes sense as North Carolina is the southern-most state with a Brood II population, and southern states warm up before northern states.

There are also plenty of sightings (mostly nymphs, but some adults) on the Cicadas @ UCONN map. Don’t forget to post your sighting there.

Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly

The emergence will proceed slowly at first, starting with the southern-most states.

And something amusing for the kids:

17 year cicadas y u no?

Of course it wouldn’t be as special if they did emerge every year.

88 replies on “The Brood II Emergence Has Begun”

The first sounds of Cicadas filled my ears today! Will try to capture some from over here in Kalamazoo, MI.

i live in edison i dont hear the nosie from the cicada any more so does that mean they are gone in my area.please say yes i hope

LOL! Yes. I see the same thing in Metuchen right now. The adults are all but dead. Time for flagging (leaves to turn brown where they laid eggs).

So thrilled to hear the deafening call of the Cicada Chorus at Mauch Chunk Lake, Jim Thorpe. Pennsylvania, Today, June 12th. They are flying all over and are busy as bees! The Park Rangers report they were falling from the trees last weekend! We are so happy they are here and sorry they will be gone in just a few days. Don’t miss them!

I’m a bit disappointed…haven’t seen a single one here in Howard County, MD. But after reading up a bit more on Brood II, it looks like they skip our area of Maryland. I would like to hear from anyone who has a lot of emerging within a short drive of the Baltimore-DC area to show my kids.

So far, Central Jersey is getting slammed (well, what WE consider Central. Lol). I’m in Bergen County, and only a few towns where there are lots of woods and nature preserves are seeing them. So far the towns that have them are:

Franklin Lakes
Englewood (Flatbrook)
Englewood Cliffs
Fort Lee

I’m not sure if the Hackensack area will see/hear anything. There has been a fair amount of development since 1996 (I don’t really remember them back then either though).

Greetings! I have been finding new holes under my oak tree and have 2 holes covered with small mud piles (turrets) after it had rained the day before under my cherry tree. I was the one who shared the picture from my Twitter account! The ground temp is 66. Just two degrees away! (needs to drop 2 degrees to make it perfect) I asked a friend from a neighboring county if she had been seeing possible cicada holes too in her yard! This friend of mine lives up near Taneytown, MD. She said she’s seeing a few holes and knows to watch out for possible emerging cicadas. She also has many leafy trees and a forest behind her house. You have my permission to post my picture where it belongs best. (photo section) I think we might have been in a Brood II patch without knowing! I’ll update you when the ground temp is 64 degrees and I’ll be watching all my dime sized holes! If I see cicadas after this weakened tropical system moves out, I’ll come and tell you asap. After it finishes raining, I’ll be checking for more turrets!

We live in the Bull Run Mountains off Logmill Road (Rt. 701) Haymarket address. If anyone wants to see or listen to cicadas, they should just drive on Logmill Road going towards the hill (NW). At first, we thought them quite magical, but after 2 weeks, we are ready for them to GO! They are all over the ground, our trees, our fences and our deck. Our beagle would stay outside eating them 24/7 if we would let him – a few wouldn’t hurt, but he doesn’t know when to stop and started gagging. So now I have to put him in the car and drive down to the concrete jungle of Dominion Valley to walk him 3 times a day – first time I’ve ever appreciated that development!

If, like me, you live in northern VA and are disapoointed to find yourself in a non Brood II area, read on. I have recently (May 28th ) found a few areas where Brood II are present in large numbers and singing loudly. Manassas Battlefield Park is packed with them, as is the first few miles of Skyline Drive at Front Royal. To hear an extremely loud display of singing, which sounds like being inside a laser cannon, visit the car park of the Shenandoah National Park Rangers HQ on Route 211, VA. Basically, drive over the mountain and the Park HQ is on the right hand side just as you finish descending the mountain. There were thousands of magicicadas there and the noise was bordering on deafening!! Fantastic!!!

Has the cold weather we have had recently possibly slowed down the emergence of cicadas here and further north? The ground temp was 68 degrees when I checked it last. It’s been hot lately and cicadas like warm weather. Why aren’t they out yet? I have seen ‘marks’ on the map in my area before and they disappeared over time. These cicadas will probably be late! Is it possible that they could come out in June? I am trying to keep my hopes up for seeing cicadas and I like talking to people who really love these bugs as much as I do! That’s why I keep coming back.

I found a cicada hole under my cherry tree this afternoon! I have double checked it by putting a dime next to it! You said holes are a good sign I have cicadas under this tree! I guess I do have Brood II in my yard! I have seen a few other holes here and there under other leafy trees in my area. All I have to to is wait for the ground temperature to read 64 degrees. Right now it’s reading 62, so if there’s a little more heat today to heat the ground up a little more, I could be seeing nymphs tonight or even tomorrow night after one of these hot days forecasted this week. Just stopping by to tell you what I’ve discovered!

I’m sorry to say, probably not. The Brood II cicadas are concentrated around the north middle part of the state like Greensboro.

I am wondering if the emerging cicadas can cause my grass to turn yellow as I have seen patches of these yellow spots just this week and if theeeee grass will die where these spots are visible. So far I have not seen any cicadas in Nassau county Ny.

cicadas are harmless, gentle, beautiful & primitive…i love their song & i cannot wait for their return!!!

Mystery solved! Thank you. I was fishing on Wednesday (5/22) and heard what sounded like a flying saucer invasion from an old ’50s movie! At first I thought it was frogs, but then I saw a white cicada with the red eyes (dead givaway) that had just emerged, and put it on my fish hook. As soon as it hit the water it was snapped up by a hungry fish! When I got home I googled for sound files of the 17 year Cicada, and sure enough, that is what I heard! Very different sound than the annual buggers that I am used to hearing every Summer, and these emerge much earlier.

Sue from Tyro VA

We have yet to see any holes, shells, or cicadas in our Falls Church neighborhood – nor have I seen any signs of cicadas where I work in Reston, VA. I have heard that this emergence might be overhyped – can anyone comment? We are planning some outdoor events so I am looking for more information. I expected it to be like it was in 2004 when Brood X was here (based on the news reports). But now I have heard that the emergence will be patchy at best in Fairfax County with many places seeing none at all. I also hear that they are out in full force in areas North of us, so I know it can’t be a ground temperature issue. Is there a chance we will still see them in our area if we have not yet?

I would say if you don’t get any by next Sunday (June 2nd), you probably won’t get them. And I would agree that the press oversold the event. In your area it isn’t quite Brood X. It parts of VA, the emergence has been very impressive. Just not inside the beltway.

Now, there have been sightings in Falls Church and in Reston. Check out the live map.

Hi! I have great news! Underneath the cherry tree in my front yard I discovered 2 cicada holes! I even double checked if they were the right size by putting a dime next to them! Does this mean I have more than two cicadas under my cherry tree? The current ground temp is reading around 70 degrees the last time I checked. Do you think this is the night I’ll see my nymphs come up? It’s been looking favorable for any cicada nymphs underground at my house to come out! I have my fingers crossed! I’ll be watching these two holes carefully! There may be other holes that are hidden, but I think these holes will keep me busy tonight because they are so close to my garage door! Just letting you know!

Hello Rachel

I am journalist lookinf for recording cicadas. Could I know in which are have you seen a large amount of cicadas?


That was my theory as well….that pesticides must have been used over the years. We do not, nor ever have used pesticides, but we have only lived there for 8 years. Thanks for the response.

I was wondering… Even if there are no pre-exit holes present (before the nymphs come out), is there still a good chance of seeing them? I noticed on your Facebook page that someone from Columbia, Maryland is on stand-by for the possible emergence of nymphs. I know people from nearby areas around where I am are looking for answers. It’s gonna be hot again today. (High 80’s) Does this heat help the cicadas come out by making the ground hot? I read an article from another cicada related page says May 21st (Today) could be our day to finally start to see nymphs. I will be really happy if I see nymphs! I’ll continue to watch this page and when I see/report/observe a cicada, I’ll be snapping photos to submit both on here and Facebook! And thank you very much for answering my questions!

No holes doesn’t necessarily mean no cicadas, however they are an excellent indication of the presence of cicadas. There’s always a chance that you don’t have cicadas in your yard or even neighborhood. Check out this map to see where they are emerging If you don’t get any in the next two weeks, you won’t get any at all. If you’re interested in seeing them, you’ll have to travel.

Wow, my yard/trees/shrubs are absolutely covered with cicadas as of last Wednesday night. My yard has thousands upon thousands of holes where they have emerged or are emerging. The street in front of my house is a scene of an absolute cicada massacre.

What I don’t understand is….why is this only happening in my yard? None of my neighbors have cicadas emerging, or very few. It is all older homes, with the exception of a newer development at the end of the street. Anyone have an explanation as to why this is?

It could be a couple of things. Your neighbors might use more pesticide that you do, and they might have wiped them out. Hard to say without actually visiting the neighborhood (don’t worry, I don’t plan on visiting).

Hi everyone,

I a journalist and I am doing a radio report on cicadas. In case someone libes nearby a place where you can see, and listen to, thousands of cicadas, please le tme know as I have to record it. It would be very helpful if you can warn me on an specific location.


It was hot today in Ellicott City, MD! My ground thermometer (at 8in underground) is reading at 66 degrees! What kind of nymph activity can I expect? Will it be a few here and there or a dramatic ‘boiling’ event?

I have been spotting some holes near trees in my apartment complex in Silver Spring, MD. Are they signs Cicadas will be out soon? I have not seen any in the surrounding trees or shrubs. Not a whole lot but a few here and there. Do they come out all at once or a few at a time? Should I be able to see them in the near by trees? Or I do not see any because they have been snatched by predators?

They should arrive a few at a time at first, but if conditions are right, they could emerge dozens or hundreds at a time. This coming week will be warm, so it should happen.

I’ve noticed exoskeletons along the Braemar Nature Trail in Bristow 20136 over last week and half. This morning the mass was substantially larger with many live cicadas hanging out in our morning sprinkles. Not sure I’m ready for when they move closer to my front door!!! Not crazy the infestation festivities!

Where can I contribute photos?

Either you can upload your photos to a photo sharing website like Flickr, and then tell me about them, or send them to

Thank you Dan, I have contacted them to see if someone would be ready to cook them and explain the recipe for me to record it on the radio.

Hi! It’s Maria from Ellicott City, Maryland reporting in! I spotted some new holes to watch and my soil thermometer at 8 inches in the soil/ground is reading at 64 degrees! Should I expect to see some nymphs later tonight (After it’s been dark for a while) and when I check for them in the morning? I sent a report to RadioLab that my soil thermometer is reading 64 degrees! I am very exited! PS: Thanks for talking with me – it’s fun to learn about these special cicadas and where they will show up next!

Thank you Dan, although it is a bit too far. Is someone planning to make a recipe?

Thanks again

Hi everyone,

I am journalist and I am doing a radio report on the cicadas. I am looking for a restaurant where they cook cicadas as I would like to record someone cooking and explaining the recipee. Do you know where to find it?

Thank you

I live in Louisa County Virginia on the far SW reaches of the county. This morning we had a huge explosion of Cicada’s emerging from the ground. I was out in the yard last night and did not see anything at all. Noticed many of there emergence holes this morning. This is my first experience with Cicada, looked up in the trees and there must be thousands.

My husband and I want to travel that way from Florida next week to see this amazing site. I see random places where they are emerging. Where can we go to make sure we see the incredible numbers?

I am in Rhoadesville VA (Orange County) and today is the first day where we’ve had a stable warm day and night. Its been in the 50’s and 60’s and some nights were in the low 40’s so the ground temps have been low. I’ve seen about 10 or so cicadas emerge, then molt and disappear to the trees in the last week. Today was 85 and its still 74 at 11PM. WOW! The emergence is incredible. There are nymphs everywhere and in various stages from molting, to looking for a tree, to drying out. There are more than I can begin to count after todays temps! I live smack dab in the middle of 60 undisturbed acres, so it should be a bumper crop.

I remember ’96 very well and the singing was deafening. I am looking forward to it again. Such an incredible display of nature!

Hello! This is Maria (from Howard County, MD) and I’m hoping to see some nymphs tonight. It was very warm today. (Low 80’s) I have a few targeted areas near my house I’ll check. If I see anyone that came out of the ground tonight, I’ll let you know. Is after 8:00pm and beyond a good time to look for nymphs? I also have one more question… How long does a male cicada have to take to harden (after shedding his shell) before he can start singing?

It takes about a day to harden. Generally it takes a week before the males start chorusing. They need it to be around 72 degrees for them to be comfortable singing and flying around.

Hi Dan, thank you very much. This information is really helpful. If someone see massive amount of cicadas singing, please let me know to go to record them asap.

Thank you very much


I am journalist and I am doing a radio report about periodical cicadas. I would need your help, as experts on this matter, on where to find them near Washington. I would need to record their sound (is this happen during the day or at night?).

Thank you vey much


First, the best time to record their song is during the day. They typically do not sing at night. It usually takes a week between the time they emerge and start to chorus.

Second, the best place right now to figure out where they are emerging is the live map It is a Google map that you can zoom into to see where folks are reporting the emergence.

Third, also check out — the guy who runs that site is in the Washington area.

According to Uconn’s database, most of the DC area sightings are south-west of DC.

Our Beagle has been digging little holes all over our back yard, do you think it’s because of the Cicadas. She hasn’t done that before.

When I look under muddy spots under trees in my yard and around the neighborhood, I see what look like cicada exit tunnel holes. No cicada has been spotted yet. Does this mean possibly I have some Brood II cicadas that I should expect to see as soon as the weather warms up?

We were really looking forward to seeing the cicadas here in Fairfax County (Herndon) VA but alas I think it’s been overhyped (not necessarily this website though). I think there are going to be a lot of very disappointed people.

Apparently the Brood II amounts will be patchy at best in Fairfax County with many places seeing none at all 🙁

I’ve learnt that it’s actually Brood X that is likely to show in this area and DC, not Brood II.

Any chance of seeing Brood II in central Maryland? I’ve been seeing a few dime size holes in my yard near trees and there’s an article that says that I won’t see any here. The answer I’m looking for is that if I will get my wish to see Brood II cicadas.

Here in Charlottesville, VA representatives of Brood II emerged in the post-dawn hours of May 11th. By Noon, most of them had headed for the trees. The god-awful racket will commence in due time. As loud as these buggers can be, the sound will be a whisper compared to en-masse invasion I witnessed in Dayton, OH earlier this century.

Still no sightings in Berryville VA-northern Shenandoah Valley. Of course it has been cold and rainy here for almost a week… today we’re seeing sun adn temps approaching 70. Maybe we will see some soon? But we ARE seeing a HUGE number of those big black night-flying beetles wee call June bugs. YUCK!!

Not sure I am clear. Does that mean it will be bad in Maryland by May 17 ? I read somewhere that cicada’s do not sing at night. Is that true?

Hi: We have a film shoot we will be doing in one of 2 places on May 17. Either Cookesville, MD or Monkton, MD. We are VERY concerned about the cicada’s and their sound, because we will be recording sound. Will they have emerged by then? Do you think we can squeak by doing this before they arrive?? Let us know asap your thoughts! Another question, do they “sing” at night?

So Dan, on the map… what do the red dots mean? There are quite a few of them up where I live.

I live in Clarke County VA-right over the Shenandoah River, top of the Shenandoah Valley. The maps seem inconclusive-will they arrive in the Shenandoah Valley?


The Fly Fishing will indeed be pretty freaking good. Everything that swims will be eating these things – from bluegills to trout to bass to carp and even catfish.

The Brood X emergence back in 2004 was some of the best fishing Ive ever had.

They are here in Rockingham County, NC. Probably thousands in my yard and next door. The birds are happy!

Thanks for your reply. I live just west of DC so maybe that is considered south in Brood II’s range?

I was thinking, with the cooler weather we’re having and the possible later emergence of Brood II taking their lifepan into possibly late June, that we could have Brood II singing alongside the regular annual cicadas when they come out in late June!! Could get quite noisy around here!!

Thanks for a great and informative website!! I have a relative coming over last week of May / first week of June and they’re looking forward to seeing Brood II. Based on current weather conditions and emergence reports, do you think they have a chance of seeing some cicadas during their visit?

I do think they have a chance. A better chance if you live in one of the more southern states (because they warm up). Hope for warmer weather.

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