Cicadmalleus Michel Boulard Stephane Puissant

The Hammerhead Cicada – A new discovery!

It looks like a new sub-tribe, genus and species of cicada has been identified by Michel Boulard and Stéphane Puissant. Cicadmalleus micheli. The cicada has a head that looks like the head of a hammerhead shark! Cicadmalleus means “cicada hammer”, and micheli refers to Bruno Michel who found the cicada (thanks David Emery).

I heard the cicada was discovered in Thailand, which makes sense because that is where Michael Boulard does most of his research.

4 replies on “The Hammerhead Cicada – A new discovery!”

Indeed, Bruno Michel, who is a specialist in antlions, has captured two cicadas in 2001, during a mission in Thaïland. He kept then forgotten them, until he showed them to Stéphane Puissant recently. The latter contacted Michel Boulard, who had never met this cicada before.

Reference: Michel BOULARD, Stéphane PUISSANT (2013). Une Cigale-marteau chez les Cicadidae. Nouvelle espèce, nouveau Genre, nouvelle sous-Tribu (Cicadettinae, Cicadettini). EPHE N° 20, C.M., Décembre 2013 : 3-8.

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