Dundubiini India Mata Vivek Sarkar

Three new species of cicadas from Meghalaya, India

Three new species of cicadas have been discovered in Meghalaya, India:
Mata meghalayana, Mata lenonia, and Mata ruffordii.

Mata cicadas  Vivek Sarkar
Photo courtesy of Vivek Sarkar.

Access the paper on Research Gate or Zootaxa Vol 4908, No 1.

Paper title: Description of three new species of the genus Mata Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Oncotympanini) with notes on their natural history from the Indian state of Meghalaya, India

Authors: Vivek Sarkar, Cuckoo Mahapatra, Pratyush P. Mohapatra, Manoj V. Nair, Krushnamegh Kunte

Abstract: “Three new species of the Asian genus Mata Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) viz. Mata lenonia sp.nov.; Mata ruffordii sp.nov. and Mata meghalayana sp.nov. are described from the Indian state of Meghalaya. Keys and taxonomic descriptions of these species are provided with detailed accounts of their natural history and acoustics.”

4 replies on “Three new species of cicadas from Meghalaya, India”

Today I saw one cicada in my balcony on the 5th floor of my society. I am an Assistant professor in Biotechnology, in sharda University

From last 4-5 days a new sound very loud is observed here. and Suddenly today I saw a very big house fly like insect, which when I searched in google appears like cicada.
I have picture also of it.

there is one part of the cicada life cycle that I came to realize, a certain type of fungi that emerges from its dead. most often you’ll notice above the ground and if you happen to dig, you’ll find the dead cicada at the base. I need to know more about this fungi or mushroom.

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