Cicada Mania

What’s next for Cicada Mania?

Autumn (in North America) is usually a slow time for cicadas and this Cicada Mania website, so I have time to clean stuff up and decide what to do next to the site.

Now I turn to you, cicada fans, enthusiasts, and researchers: what would you like to see more of (or less of) on ? Please share your thoughts in the comments section of this post.

Looking forward, there’s the Brood I emergence next year in Virginia and West Virginia which should generate some buzz, and then Brood II in 2013 in the east which should be a big event.

4 replies on “What’s next for Cicada Mania?”

Yes, it depends where you are Dan. If the tropical rain is light, they may persist there until March. In Sydney, the last stragglers (usually Black Princes) die by Easter. Interestingly, the Tasmanian and NZ species continue to emerge during Feb (hottest month) and some of the southern “hairy cicadas” (Tettigarcta species) even emerge in May- they must have anti-freeze instead of haemolymph!

The discussion groups that include sightings from the general public are one of the most useful features. Next best are the links to cicada trinkets and paraphernalia.

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