Eggs Magicicada Roy Troutman


Here’s a picture of Magicicada eggs from Roy Troutman. They’re about 3-4mm long. Very tiny.

Cicada Eggs

3 replies on “Eggs!”

As I took my morning walk I came upon an unusual and amazing phenomenon. I encountered an area of an approximate city block where the street was filled with hundreds of crawling cicada larvae. Many hundreds appeared to have already been crushed under car tires and there were literally piles of the things in the gutter that had died. Many had been there long enough to completely dry out. The area where I was walking consisted of a city ball field on one side of the road and an AT&T switching station on the other. The switching station is surrounded by lawn. I came home and looked for information on cicada larval migration but was unable to find anything. Any ideas as to what may have been happening here?

Yesterday i saw some of the eggs lined up on one of the branches. I had called the forest preserve to see how soon the babies come out and he said they will be really small and he said that if i took a magnify glass i would be able to see the eggs write now and so i grabbed a magnify glass and was able to see a bunch of little eggs all lined up that resembled rice but 50 times smaller. I had to break a branch in order to see the eggs because the slits were in the way. Sheri from Westmont

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